Axel Voss
Axel Fotz alias Zecke   Berlin, Berlin, Germany
I'm a German politician and Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from Germany. Also member of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany and part of the European People's Party.

The Internet is in danger and you can save it! #Artikel13

So what happened?
On July, 5th the european parliament voted on the reform of copyright law in the digital domestic market. Part of this reform were the already heavy critized articles 11 & 13. These articles would've paved the way for massive censorship on the internet. That's why we started a pretty successful petition which we, thanks to a personal invitation from MeP Julia Reda, personally delivered to the representatives together with all our 736.000 signatures we had back then.

The first reform proposal to the new copyright law (articles 11 and 13) has been rejected with a 318 (53%) to 278 (47%) majority!

But this threat is not off the table right now! The plenary rejection means just that the reform has to be revamped and submitted again. A new vote is to be expected in january.

Despite a million signatures, thousands of handwritten letters to the parliamentarians, protests on the streets, flyer distributions and enlightenment work in social media the parliamentarians passed the paper to the trialogue. There it was accepted on September 12th with a 438 (62%) to 229 (33%) majority. This means that the next step to a binding guideline is reached. Amendments adopted by the European Parliament on 12 September 2018

Now only two more meetings of the responsible EU-representatives with the ministers of the countries will be held, in which changes can be brought to the table, or be fought for compromise.

After this the parliament is expected to vote one last time in april. Each nation of the european union has to adjust it's own laws to the guideline. This means national laws are expected to be released in 2019/2020.

Of course we want to thank all the people who supported us. Without you we wouldn't have achieved any of this. Also we want to thank everyone who took part in the massive postage action.
byLS 22 เม.ย. 2020 @ 4: 30am 
i love YOU! <3