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Análises recentes de bocchi the glock

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555.0 hrs em registo (508.0 horas no momento da análise)
Arena shooters is something that slowly disappeared over the years. Games like Unreal Tournament and Quake gradually faded to give place to the more "realistic" and military-like games like Call of Duty and Battlefield.
Yep, that sucks.

But Loadout came to save the day.

Loadout brings back the glory days of arena shooters with it's fast-paced action, high focus on mobility and gore, gore, GOREEEEE.
But that's not all it has. It has something that is extremely important for me: sense of humor. And quite a weird one (in a good way).
This isn't your usual "gritty colorless srs bsns" shooter. No. This is a colorful game where you can be a guy wearing Billie Joe Armstrong's trademark black shirt and red tie, but forgot to wear pants, jiggling your junk around instead.

But after all this, I didn't even mention the best part, and the one thing that makes Loadout really unique: Weaponcrafting.
Forget the days where games gave you a limited amount of guns to play with. Here you make your dream gun as you wish.
Think of Borderlands gun system, except it isn't random, you have full control over it.
Make a fire minigun or an electric launcher of death, whatever you want, kill your opponents in an unique way every time.

Also, this game is P2W, but in this case meaning "Pay 2 Wang". Nothing that directly affects gameplay can be bought with money. You have to play to become stronger. But you can throw some cash at EoR to look totally FABULOUS while doing it.
Publicado a 26 de Novembro de 2013. Última alteração: 3 de Fevereiro de 2014.
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1 pessoa achou esta análise útil
2,076.3 hrs em registo (2,069.9 horas no momento da análise)
Publicado a 3 de Julho de 2011. Última alteração: 7 de Julho de 2022.
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