[Dr] VɪʀᴛᴜᴏᴜZᴢ-OPN-
Alex B. - Shin V. - VirtuousHeart   Oakland, California, United States
Giorno's Theme - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind
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:USstar::bsym::bsym::bsym::bsym::bsym::bsym::bsym::bsym::bsym::bsym: -NotActuallyTrading- :bsym::bsym::bsym::bsym::bsym::bsym::bsym::bsym::bsym::bsym::USstar:

A 22 streak, two pages with only 2 losses - Gets ended because my team does not pause - I crashed. Good stuff -ATG-Alexander.
2 3
Thrice Poems - "Anniversary", "Beautiful", and "Miss".

► Title: Beautiful.
A Friday, July 8th, 2016

There she was.. A day's reminder of the beautiful world.
Her eyes glimmered in passerby, a light shone within the dark;
No remark for I don't dare to embark on questionnaires to this lovely spark and smile
For what it's worth- I would like to unearth and say what others might have already said.
And go ahead and tell you, and let others know wide spread - as if unread..

That your smile got me rhyming, paying a diamond in this lyrical chime-in.
What else can I do but to go ahead and dive-in and speak my mind, heart and soul.
It sucks, cause it ain't my role- Bleak I'm left speechless, for time is like Ancient Greek;
All myths and Legends while I sit here to atone for all the dreadful years-
How I played and strung many hearts and tears.

Here I am again, writing letters that I'll never send,
Let me overextend these verses; atone to these curses..
Wishing I could reverse these choices-
New courses to reinforce what time we could've had together
Even under stormy and hard weather.

Such a shame I can't be, the good guy I could be.
Meant to be, oops was that a verse I already sent to thee?
Just a little less in originality, doesn't matter the nationality
Ethnicity or race; that doesn't matter to me.

It's just the simple words of you and me..
What could've been, that-

You're too beautiful for me.

By VirtuZz


► Title: Miss.
A Tuesday, April 19th, 2016

I might not know you yet, or never- Forevermore. Distance between us, no need to weap cause I ain't in need, tho' I must say, such beautiful curves- The wit, the smarts, and that ever so- bad girl.

Some people might say I'm stalking- cause I'm talking from what I've seen or heard, it doesn't bother me none cause' they're just apart of the rest of the herd; It's just admiration, there is no other way to give an explanation. My Proclamation is one word you've heard much, as such you're something lovely I'd like to clutch and touch; You're beautiful, was I late?

Did they say that already? I get a 'B' in originality; it's not the usual formality to tell you these words, wish I could endear you with them up-close, telling you more behind closed-doors.. In secret, I'd reap it- no you didn't misheard.

No my eyes ain't blurred, I don't think It's absurd,

I just wanted to reword the content of the other words- and speak my words, undeterred, word for word; Speaking these words with passion like a Firebird; Rev these engines and make sure they don't go unheard- singing these rhymes lyrically- I would've serenaded you if I was there physically.

Good God- What a technicality; It's too late to reverse this as all I got is pencil, pens, and a verse. No choice, I'm questioning my mentality- cause reality all-in-all rationality.. I don't even know your personality; but your unique individuality got me mixing up realities. I'd speak perverse, but that's too easy, so let's reimburse that and play diverse- to tease and traverse and coerce you if you'd admit me.

Submit to me- Oops, I didn't mean it to slip so easily... Accidentally from my lips, like how I want to press them upon your hips... Tricks- Much tease and I hope that didn't displease you or put you at unease, but rather like Socrates let's speak metaphorically, wouldn't that be a nice memory between you and me?

But it saddens me, words escape, and this will only be a memory; Cleverly written with energy, I have to let go- although rudimentary, as it's pretty much elementary that this show has to close, as a reminder...

I can't even reach you; I hope these words appease you, breach you, as a figure of speech and finally.. Curve a smile on those pretty lil' lips, cause that's all I wanted,
For you to be in a' bliss.

Miss me, for I wish we could've shared a lil kiss; that would've been enough for me...
To make me reminisce and miss, those pretty lil' lips..."

-Alex B.


► Title: Anniversary Apology.
A day in 2014 (Didn't keep track, cuz' I never sent this).

2014; without all the war scenes, it's about time it be our anniversary- just a precursory before all things end with no verse of me- Words unheard or never given scene by scene. It was just you and me at first, a few rounds we had, just a course. I remember the time I trained ya', the same game you play today don't let the others mind or bother you; for tonight I'll be between your "Thighs", uh-heh; I'm kidding, just between those eyes all up on your mind.

It's another night we argue, two pounds of morphine don't explain this year ending for 2-14... Nikki don't be picky, we're almost there, and I didn't mean the affair; just compare, we've both done each other wrong altho' that doesn't make up for me breaking, I ain't shameless, I'm just waiting for that perfect time alone...

I never meant for us to be like Delftware; shatter proof I thought we were tho' everyone was against, but who ended up losing the most? Us- That's what I thought of it, I strayed and betrayed what trust you had; Doesn't change the way I loved your eyes, despite the size- no need to resize, I take my reprise for your snake eyes used to steal my gaze like the gorgon queen- what beauty I bet it was. My duty to protect ya', flavorful like tutti fruity, and that bodacious ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ booty.

I miss ya', or rather I miss us, miss how we were before all these hostilities, in-strife and struggle; my forego enmity, never meant to be your enemy. Too prideful that I was just breathlessly fighting, hopelessly like peasantry; it almost felt like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ parody...

What a joke it was such a short legacy, the unstoppable two, me and you, the power duo, Two "hearts" that I've broken, yours and I, no need to be outspoken- choking for I can't show my devotion; broke-open, and provoking this final fight full of emotions...

All I had was a verse- too late; I wish to be forgiven before I become forgotten, I hope these words reach you- For even I have just but a gleam in my eyes.... Trying to meet eye-to-eye, with heave in sight to achieve before you misconceive my intentions; try to start my intervention before tensions press between us- to keep "Us"...

Meet up, a paradoxical beauty sleep- practical yet illogical, impossible and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ironic how conical this ♥♥♥♥ is.

Unsure how else I'd prove; except to give my opening move, to make you groove to the mood I want you to feel, what I wish I could make you feel- on the move hoping you'd approve as I try to improve. Coping, scoping for an opening, like a software I'm multi-programming this ♥♥♥♥; if we were still in school, I'd ask you to homecoming, since we're not let's go to Istanbul, ♥♥♥♥ it how about Liverpool, like the golden rule just don't pull an April fools.

Aite, I'm done rhyming. I miss you, and that's it.

This other ♥♥♥♥, is just me trying to confuse you, remove all the accuse and excuse; trying to diffuse whilst amusing you.


Latest Update: 05/08/2022;

Game will not install, one of my programs is preventing it from installing. Get a decent antivirus or antimalware, and it will prevent this game from installing. Further proving my point, for a game that came out in early 2019, some antvirus and antimalware softwares are still preventing this game from naturally installing.

I have Kaspersky and iObit's Advanced Malware Fighter- both of them are preventing the game from installing. I have made two videos, one of me showing that I tried to play the game and it constantly getting stuck. The other one, was me showcasing me verifying the files (To show you I didn't delete any files to make this hiccup to occur) then in the second half of the last clip, shows that I uninstalled, reinstalled the game (Fresh install) and it still won't run.

Be careful. Some things are too good to be true.

Tried to install the game for 32'ish hours (It was more like 2 hours, I left it over night thinking it was going to install with the launcher up, it did not). https://i.imgur.com/uV2WANk.png - Uploading the video now... Also note, that I moved the UAC/user access control multiple times to different sides of the screen to show you I didn't edit anything or whatever (How can I? I'm using my literal mobile phone as you noticed it's shakey). I had to use a phone because the UAC prompt doesn't show up in-screen recordings such as bandicap, shadowplay, etc. So I had to use my phone to show the UAC screen pop-ups.

Update: 02/10/2021; Looks like my review was being shadowbanned, was told by my friend- suddenly this review is no longer on the front page. I scrolled through to see 70 reviews ahead of mines in the most helpful reviews on the negative reviews section.

Mines was not listed amongst, to confirm had two of my community moderators to check it out. Not sure if the dev's can shadowban the review, but oddly enough... Despite being 600 upvotes compared to some of the other on the top 20 helpfuls (Negatives) having only 5-10 upvotes. If you can help with the Algorithm or perhaps its bugged out (if that's a thing like youtube) please leave a comment, and help with upvotes! Thank you!

Also, friend checked (Not me) but he came to the same conclusion yesterday, been busy with the holidays.

Update 12/07/2020: Please consider atleast reading the paragraph below the dashed line below- TLDR; Game is good, lots of bad programs installed onto PC.

The game still has issues, I've been asked by a lot of people to confirm if it does or doesn't still have issues, after my recent investigation as seen here on this screenshot @ https://imgur.com/a/8l64sMY (changed link cause steam doesn't like prt.scr site) - you can see I've downloaded and tried it. Yes it still have the below issues, yes the developer's know of this because I already spoked to them on Discord, and yes they banned me to silence me after pretending they were going to work on it.

And yes there's a bias in their server moderation and Discord; they allowed others to bully me even if someone asked me about my review. I used to be active in their discord, and spent over 200$s in their DLCs and ingame cash. No, I did not get pas the point of the main menu. No, I didn't bother playing because I wasn't there to check the game out, but to check the stuff people were concerned about that was listed in this review.

Yes, there's a reddit post NOT made by me btw, that was removed from Conqueror's blade Reddit due to the moderators there, and Yes there's a NEW reddit post made by someone else in another section to make aware of the issue because they took it down on Conq's Subreddit.

Sounds very shady to me, but again, the game is good.

----------Original Review----------

Game is actually good, just has a "Trojan-Like" program that sits there and tracks you all day, and can't be turned off by any standard accessible option via their Launcher or their game again this game is actually good.

Update 7/12/2019-

Instead of making matchmaking like 31-60, 61-90, etc... They just added the Level Identifier as "60+"- didn't solve matchmaking, you can't even tell who you're fighting, you just know they're 60+ on the scoreboard on their new patch.

If you're above level 30 but not beyond 60+, get ready for one hell of a ride when everyone is chasing you down cause they can see your actual level- Just and FYI. Game is starting to go down hill.
Update 6/29/2019-
Further investigation and checking other views reveal a few things worth mentioning and as a discretion advisory this does not mean this company cannot change or get better, just a history lesson and sometimes history repeats itself; The History and drama of Mail.ru aka now known as My.com on a wiki - https://lurkmore.to/Mail.ru

An article from when mail.ru changed it's name to My.com , also in Russian, but the language is normal so Google translate should be ok. https://www.dp.ru/a/2012/10/30/Mail_ru_pojdet_za_rubezh_s/ -

Finally, here is an article about Russian money flowing into western business especially social media via DST Global (a mail.ru/my.com branch). https://www.icij.org/investigations/paradise-papers/kremlin-owned-firms-linked-major-twitter-facebook-investments-icij/ <<< All of this information was made to me by a person named Bashar, thank you for that public information. @ https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198051700136
Update 06/27/2019-
I've been banned from the official Discord for making people aware, and actually looking for a solution to halt the pop-ups from coming up every which minute as seen in the video. Claims I said the program has viruses, their moderators allow people to openly bash, harass, and bully me. You can find this all on someone's reddit (Posted on my YouTube video).

Original TLDR Below;

However, this game has mail.ru running at all times like a trojan, it can't be disabled by settings or any other means, and constantly tracks information slowing down internet, and even interrupt other programs as I try and play other games. That's very annoying.

Not only is that very annoying, the fact that it's up 24/7 (So long as my PC is on) is even worst. Your EULA/TOS is also illegal in most countries, such as UK, USA, and other 1st world countries for your tracking information and terms.

This is why this game has a bad reputation- Remove mail.ru and perhaps you'd go far- You'll make a lot of money as is- And the damage is done. It's not too late, you can still recover, remove your stupid ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Mail.RU issues and we'll be fine. Until then, I can't recommend this game to my friends anymore (Which I was doing for a while) and with a 16 year old group of 200+ players with sponsorships from MSI, I will not be risking my group's well being because not all of them are tech-savvy enough to turn off the Mail.RU as I have.

^^I wrote this via General Discussion via the Forums.


YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By2QcIZm4rk

Their EULA/TOS: https://legal.my.com/us/general/privacy/

Check Section 3.1, and part 4.

Section 3.1 Image: http://prntscr.com/o6s41e
Section 3.2 Part 4 Image: http://prntscr.com/o6s4pq

They track your browsing history, your installed programs, the device you're using, etc.
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