NastyNate [@AskForNate]
Nathan H   Jefferson City, Missouri, United States
I am Natedawg, Madskhealz, Nayt and TRxNasty. I play DOTA2, Planetside, have been a 10 time Gladiator in World of Warcraft and been in a Top 10 US guild for almost 6 years. I enjoy gaming as a release from day to day work as a car salesperson. I lead a stress and drama free life and am available for chat.

I'm big into community involvment and networking as well as volunteering for local and national agencies. I work for RFJ Automotive Group, which is an Autogroup based out of Austin, Texas. I sell around 250 cars per year personally and am big into social media and marketing. I send my customers custom ice cream ( and am building a website and offer many different kinds of lagniappe.

We sell cars in over 15 states from our Jefferson City, Missouri store. Honda, Hyundai , KIA and Nissan. As well as another 250+ pre-owned vehicles. We have 32 stores.
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