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PivoTRX 14 Jul, 2020 @ 1:22pm 
Now, let’s say hypothetically, you, my mother. Were to give me, your son, your credit card information. So I could make a purchase of 500 robux on the . Contrary to what my sister will have you believe, I have done a very good job of doing my chores, including, but not limited to; The dishes, the laundry and the taking out the trash.
PivoTRX 22 Mar, 2020 @ 1:48pm 
nothing iws thwown togethew. Thiws iws a vewy sophisticated system with awot of moving pawts. Thewe iws nothing new being wepowted hewe as we have discussed the watew system awnd appwetv issue duwing my wast wawk thwough with uwu. I undewstand the fwustwation but it’s nowt faiw tuwu suggest thawt the entiwe system iws substandawd as 98% of the system iws wowking fwawwesswy. I get youw standawd phone wine wowk iws swoppy awnd thewe iws no excuse but open up youw secuwity panew awnd it’s a wowk of awt. Wook awound youw home fwom the motowized tv tuwu the speakews, evewything has bewn instawwed with absowutewy the highest standawds. We wiww get thwough these few bugs with the watew system awnd the othew items we discussed. Evewything iws documented awnd added tuwu the punchwist. Unfowtunatewy ouw gawme pwan has bewn dewayed with the viwus but nothing has changed. Once things nowmawize we wiww knock out the west of the punchwist.Tawk soon. Stay safe.
Drowsie 22 Mar, 2020 @ 12:24pm 
We make the best systems, the best in the world! Or at least that's what they tell me, i don't know, but I'm told our systems are the best - that's what they say. You should really take a look at those other ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ systems, we're protecting your property borders by installing our state of the art security devices! Those other AV companies aren't sending their best systems, they're sending defective logic boards, and crappy wiring jobs - some of which i'm sure are great systems. When I inherited this company back in January of 2017, I inherited a broken company, and together with your help - we've made a wonderful AV firm. Unfortunately our game plan has changed thanks to this virus, that damn invisible enemy, but have faith for I am declaring war on COVID-19 as we speak! Once things normalize we will knock out the rest of the punchlist, and those mexicans on our southern & northern borders. Stay Safe.
PS - We have great systems. The best!
Donald J. Trump
Bert 22 Mar, 2020 @ 10:26am 
Nothing is thrown together. This is a very sophisticated system with alot of moving parts. There is nothing new being reported here as we have discussed the water system and appletv issue during my last walk through with you. I understand the frustration but it’s not fair to suggest that the entire system is substandard as 98% of the system is working flawlessly. I get your standard phone line work is sloppy and there is no excuse but open up your security panel and it’s a work of art. Look around your home from the motorized tv to the speakers, everything has been installed with absolutely the highest standards. We will get through these few bugs with the water system and the other items we discussed. Everything is documented and added to the punchlist. Unfortunately our game plan has been delayed with the virus but nothing has changed. Once things normalize we will knock out the rest of the punchlist.Talk soon. Stay safe.
PivoTRX 3 Mar, 2020 @ 7:28pm 
Wanna masturb8?🥰
Bert 2 Mar, 2020 @ 5:53pm 
Wanna d8?🥰