Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
hi my name is ash i ♥♥♥♥ your mother <3 and dad on the weekend
COD5 - ash_chan add if u like zombies xD
Css - badasschan My no cfg account :DDDD and my movie edditing brad328
Skype - ash-teabads-u
╔══► Name: Ashley<3
╠══════► Team: 44re:
╠═► Position: Doggy
╠══► Game name : ash
╠*´¨ )
╠¸.•´¸.•´¨) ¸.•*¨)
╠ (¸.•´ (¸.•´ (¸.•*´¯`*•►Skill: low----------------
╚══════════►From: Westyorkshire England

Andy: im gonna fold this team
44re: ash #MP: do u love balls in your mouth while fingering your self?
Pink.: yes
Johannes Neyer = xbite: are you or have you ever been an emo ?
complex.ash | Demo Meh |: Erm whhy?
Johannes Neyer = xbite: well if you were i had a question for you
complex.ash | Demo Meh |: yeh why?
Johannes Neyer = xbite: well
Johannes Neyer = xbite: what's the difference - besides music and hair style / clothes - between being an emo and being depressed
Johannes Neyer = xbite: ?
complex.ash | Demo Meh |: are you emo?
Johannes Neyer = xbite: no
complex.ash | Demo Meh |: well emo boys like to kiss other emo boys because they look like girls whitch makes it ok
Johannes Neyer = xbite: hmm
Johannes Neyer = xbite: ok so its depression by chioce + gay + style + hair
complex.ash | Demo Meh |: Well yeh
44re: ash #MP: do u wanna fight?
rbT: go on
44re: ash #MP: come
44re: ash #MP: fatty
rbT: :(
ash #MP: so richard your gonna have a baby bro soon :)
isaacyyy #32: :p
isaacyyy #32: well
isaacyyy #32: I wish you all the best ;D
ash #MP: read what i just put
ash #MP: and think about it
isaacyyy #32: wait
isaacyyy #32: what
isaacyyy #32: the
isaacyyy #32: ♥♥♥♥
complex.LNZZ <> : sparcy is doing it now
complex.LNZZ <> : only has pic of me
complex.ash #MP demoMe mIxclip!: tell him to use lube
complex.ash #MP demoMe mIxclip!: lmfao
Aloisius: ♥♥♥♥♥ EVERYWHERE
wallacEE: i like lego, cos little kids like lego
wallacEE: ^^
ash #MP: i like lego
wallacEE: i bet u put lego up your arse
ash #MP: nothing wrong with that
wallacEE: If u need any help i will help u put lego up there
wallacEE: just gimme a ring
rbT #geNetic.Fingersports: i would love to hug u blud
rbT #geNetic.Fingersports: ;D
BBK.# Ysh[Y] - +1 [L4D?]: ♥♥♥♥ U, GOODBYE CRUEL WORKL
BBK.# Ysh[Y] - +1 [L4D?]: WORLD
BBK.# Ysh[Y] - +1 [L4D?] is now Offline.
Cheungyyy: mix?
ash #MP: can't
Cheungyyy: but i ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love you
ash #MP: ....
Husky MIX ME ♥♥♥♥: 8=======B~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PASTE THIS IF THIS SEXY BOY WASTED ♥♥♥
repZ.^ TeaM?: dvd
ash #MP <3 Iron Man 2!: curry?
repZ.^ TeaM?: yum
repZ.^ TeaM?: brb
ash #MP <3 Iron Man 2!: :)
isaacyyy #32: FML
isaacyyy #32: my bro and mum walked
isaacyyy #32: in
isaacyyy #32: and i was farting
Seany <3 Kady: yeah, my mouse is a dildo
Winks: im bringin a crobar and im gonna smash your balls to pieces
Winks: ...then eat them.
☆┌─┐ ─┐☆
 │▒│ /▒/
 │▒ /▒/─┬─┐
│ ▒┌──┘▒▒▒│
 └┐▒▒▒▒┌┘PEACE OUT!
CoNSPIRACY 9 lipca 2017 o 3:46 
get back online
Yorge 21 sierpnia 2014 o 17:25 
its been a long time ♥♥♥♥ bag ! where you at nowdays ?
Jokuba 19 lipca 2012 o 9:08 
B=======D ~ ~ ~ (╯°□°)╯
RNZZ 15 stycznia 2012 o 18:03 
anytime baby xxxxxx
RNZZ 12 stycznia 2012 o 11:48 
CoNSPIRACY 5 stycznia 2012 o 11:56 