Jake Morrison   Florissant, Missouri, United States
It was a dark night. As if there is any other kind. The street was empty of people. Charred cars and other unidentifiable wreckage lay about, cast off and forgotten by thier owners. The street was pretty once, with gaily painted storefronts and banners glinting in the sun, proud crowds of patrons rushing about, purchasing thier heart's desires.

And now? The street is still filled. But not with people. With the fraking undead. Dozens, hundreds, if not thousands of them; a slavering slobbering mass of the living dead. But that's okay.

I have my rifle. And three friends to help me out.

Grabbin' pills...
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Rethantario 22 Jul, 2012 @ 7:52pm 
Arrrgh! 40% is not enough off for me to want buy Arma 2 yet and try Day Z. If it goes to 50% I'd consider it, 75% definitely.
dorkyDevan 25 Aug, 2011 @ 10:52am 
Jakkkkkeeeeee. O hai!
Gindack 2 Jul, 2011 @ 10:12pm 
Give me my free ticket!