Artur Trenkler   Kosice, Kosice, Slovakia
Currently Offline
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YunG Wඞ 21 Apr, 2024 @ 2:07pm 
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BRS 23 Mar, 2018 @ 2:39pm 
Ahoj všetci ja som Žolík
Videli ste už môj stolík ?
nemá nohy ani dosku
zlomil som ho pri csku
klávesnica ? ale kdeže
rozjebem aj hifi veže
myška letí obývačkou
zajebal ma klincovackou
hlava wipom cez 3 steny ?
haha report , prijebany
počítač je na sračky
nenávidím strielačky
bum bac tresky plesky
už je počuť hromy blesky
vždy sa modlím v kostole
keď Žolo jebe po stole.
Richard 3 Jul, 2017 @ 8:12am 
This message is in regards to a 'friend' you have on your Steam friend's list by the name of "Essie". This con-artist decided that since he was poor, he was going to ask for a coupon code for a digital product sold online for a server he was creating for Garry's Mod. We were nice enough to give him said code, but then this little ♥♥♥♥♥♥ decided that he was going to not only dispute the payment with PayPal, but ALSO LEAK the scripts online. This is a caution to anyone to NOT do business with him. PayPal was notified, and his paypal account is currently under investigation by the fraud department and numerous other developers are looking for him as well. This is no where near done Essie; you've screwed over the wrong people.
Erik Roelvinko 6 Jun, 2017 @ 3:44am 
hey their!!! i saw u need dev, special for LUA 😉😉 i know how to LUA and very much advanced 💪💪 i vary good at what i do, i make timers for servur and it maks everythin faster 👌 👌 darkrp, starwarsrp methrp pokemonrp and all tps of rp is my spcial 😎😎😎 jobs are vary hard 😰 😰 to undrstnd bu i am supr advncd and can esily mak u some jobs 👍fast🏾👍 dn't trust me? i go my site that is currnt devlopmnt ⚡️fast dev⚡🏾. thx 4 rding 🚮 my app i hop to cod LUA for u soon.

i alo codeing C++, C#, C-, C, PhP, gLUA, HTML, HTML 5, CSS, CSS3, JAVASCRIPT, JAVA, SNAKETHON, almo evry languge im fluent in!! ♛♛
ILOTOI 9 Apr, 2017 @ 12:40am 
1vladimirk8 26 Jan, 2017 @ 11:35am 