Srredfire 9 de jan. às 19:18 
hey! did you know that I'm the first (real) person to comment on your profile this ENTIRE YEAR! hahaahahaha I win!!!
Glow 8 jan. 2024 às 14:42 
hey! did you know that I'm the first person to comment on your profile this ENTIRE YEAR! hahaahahaha I win!!!
Srredfire 23 mar. 2022 às 18:25 
hey! did you know that I'm the first person to comment on your profile this ENTIRE YEAR! hahaahahaha I win!!!
Srredfire 27 jan. 2021 às 23:45 
hey! did you know that I'm the first person to comment on your profile this ENTIRE YEAR! hahaahahaha I win!!!
Glow 9 mar. 2020 às 18:20 
hey! did you know that I'm the first person to comment on your profile this ENTIRE YEAR! hahaahahaha I win!!!
Vicpop 23 dez. 2019 às 0:42 
hey! did you know that I'm the first person to comment on your profile this ENTIRE YEAR! hahaahahaha I win!!!
Lesterre 21 jan. 2018 às 5:27 
hey! did you know that I'm the first person to comment on your profile this ENTIRE YEAR! hahaahahaha I win!!!
Glow 4 jan. 2017 às 18:46 
hey! did you know that I'm the first person to comment on your profile this ENTIRE YEAR! hahaahahaha I win!!!
mak 21 mar. 2016 às 21:23 
hey! did you know that I'm the first person to comment on your profile this ENTIRE YEAR! hahaahahaha I win!!!
Vicpop 6 nov. 2015 às 22:28 
unreal engine 4
Srredfire 21 mar. 2015 às 16:31 
hey! did you know that I'm the first person to comment on your profile this ENTIRE YEAR! hahaahahaha I win!!!
mak 17 mar. 2014 às 16:31 
hey! did you know that I'm the first person to comment on your profile this ENTIRE YEAR! hahaahahaha I win!!!
Lesterre 17 mai. 2013 às 18:25 
snazzy looking profile dude!!
mak 6 mai. 2013 às 0:44 
hey! did you know that I'm the first person to comment on your profile this ENTIRE YEAR! hahaahahaha I win!!!
Vicpop 30 dez. 2012 às 11:39 
thanks very much arma i appreciate it
Dя. D3LTA 25 nov. 2012 às 19:34 
You need candies.
atomic boom 19 nov. 2012 às 15:43 
mak 17 mar. 2012 às 0:24 
You are the peanut butter to my bread
Dя. D3LTA 5 jul. 2011 às 13:12 
otoris 3 jul. 2011 às 23:07 
Dя. D3LTA 14 jun. 2011 às 11:01 
Pixel invasion
Joe 9 jun. 2011 às 20:10 
I believe in you.
Dя. D3LTA 2 jan. 2011 às 15:42 
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