Me and my fellas worksloppers :lunar2020lazypig: gather every sunday night to discuss, how can we ruin tf2`s artstyle :lunar2019shockedpig: and piss off tf2 community :lunar2019madpig:
Zurzeit im Spiel
Counter-Strike 2
Ze healing is not as revarding as ze serving
3.234 Bewertungen
Status - Ausstehend, Erstellt von - ArghBeef und DJ
Rule of my life
Ja jim ditej rosijśkomovnych,
Peču jich tiľcia u peči.
A u prymiščenniach cerkovnych
Spravliaju orhiji vnoči.

Adoľfu moliusia zavziato,
Mašynu maju «Mersedes».
Vdiahaju v budeń i na sviato
Soročku z napysom «SS».

Kupuju dolary v Obamy,
A na vohni paliu rubli.
Trymaju vdoma šče rabamy,
Dvoch polonenych moskaliv.

Bju myrnych žyteliv Donbasu,
Bju veteraniv i babuś.
Nema poščady jim i spasu,
Za zradu ščyro vidimščuś.

Ja budu krov jich dovho pyty
Vona solodka, jak syrop.
Dušyty budu i topyty -
Karateľ ja, fašyst, ukrop.
Kürzliche Aktivitäten
960 Std. insgesamt
Zurzeit im Spiel
1,4 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 31. Mai
Errungenschaften   2 von 17
1.349 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 31. Mai
ZeUniqueArtist Vor 1 Stunde 
I was going to ask the same question as Kuromi Kat, primary.
☆ kuromi kat ☆ Vor 3 Stunden 
hi, sorry for the sudden friend invite, but I was wondering if you had a discord? i wanted to get the files for your Triage Service cosmetic. i absolutely adore it and would love to have it in sfm! i could show you examples of my work if you're not exactly sure. if you don't wanna give out those files at all, i completely understand!
Bad actor Vor 7 Stunden 
↓has no father figure
Zumo Nacho INC 27. Mai um 16:59 
Yo lad, whatever you do, don't give in to the rude comments, that Medic skirt cosmetic kicks ass, as a matter of fact lots of your cosmetics kicks ass, keep it up mate :steamthumbsup:
Bloodthirsty 25. Mai um 5:25 
проклинаю тебе снова гавнюк:steammocking:
Sparcdoctor 21. Mai um 14:59 
sent an invite, since we'll be working together :cupup::cuphead: