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Recenzii recente de Arden Proxy

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Large quantity of hackers, I'd say at least one in every 5 games you'll likely be killed by a cheater. Besides the issues with cheaters the game is awesome. Highly recommended. The gameplay is simple, easy to learn, but extremely difficult to master.
Postat 4 noiembrie 2017.
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You may ask: "How can you NOT recommend a game you've spent such a large amount of time playing?"

- Well, it's because of the time I've spent on Unturned that I feel that I am more than qualified to say: "it's absolutely f#cking sh#t!"

A once brilliant game that has ironically fallen to the greed driven, poorly thought through changes made by the developers as they attempt to cater to, and milk, the increasingly intolerable prepubescent community on which Unturned is built.

Unturned has become a stale, filtered, dull, lifeless shadow of it's former self. A game plagued by unneccessary 'novelty updates' sourced from the devs' chronic fear of their audience losing interest.

The game has taken a steep turn away from competetive survival PvP that characterised it in it's early days, with each new update over the last year (2016) serving only to remove another quality of Unturned that I'd grown to love in the past. I've spent a thousand hours enjoying one key element of Unturned that I've always felt was most defiining of it, the 'Spawn, Gear, Die, Rush' sequence. Essentially, you spawn fresh into a server, you find gear to personalise yourself and weaponary, you get killed by another player, and a state of panic ensues as you desperately attempt to regain your hard earned gear that has taken you so long to ecumulate. This sequence, though frustrating, was what made Unturned thrilling, giving players a constant state of fear of attack as they interacted with the map and other players. Yet the devs have removed this sequence, and all forms of gameplay that it complimented, because it is less appealing to the dominant demographic of children.

I suppose you think I'm salty. Well... I am. I enjoyed Unturned, as much as I have any other game, but it's been distorted beyond recognition from the game which I, and many others, loved years ago. Don't waste your time on it.
Postat 16 februarie 2017. Editat ultima dată 17 februarie 2017.
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169.5 ore înregistrate (142.4 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
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I previously reviewed this game as negative, however, with the release of 'The Culling: Origins' I feel like the game has recaptured some of it's original glory. That same thrill and excitement I felt with the original game has come back in a nostalgic way. I love the anxiety and paranoia of constantly fearing where other contestants may be lurking and the intense rush of the combat as I try to stay disciplined with the mechanics of blocking, shoving and attacking. Surprisingly, there seems to be a small community springing up in the OCE region of gamers with similiar fond memories of what the game was and could have been... which is a nice bonus. I'm hopeful that the game is in the hands of a far more experienced develpment team and that the mistakes which lead to the demise of the original 'The Culling' won't be repeated. Once again... I'm very excited for what this game might be.

I left my previous negative review below in case anyone is interested.

The game is broken, it's that simple. People often argue that these issues are normal for a game still in development but it's the fact that more issues are created than which are resolved with each update that makes me doubt whether this game will ever be as good as it's initial potential led on it would be. Fix the combat, fix the damn fps drops, fix the optimisation, fix the ability for a team of 6 to gain up on a single player in supposed 'free-for-all', and fix the gerneral jerkiness of the game.

'The Culling' is a long list of need to be fixes, but I still believe it has the potential that everyone felt it had. If this game achieves the expectations that so many people had of it, then it will be one of the best ever, but at the moment, it's plagued with multiple game breaking issues.
Postat 28 aprilie 2016. Editat ultima dată 27 septembrie 2018.
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208.5 ore înregistrate (134.4 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
'Red Crucible: Firestorm' is Pay-to-Win.

It has it's moments when it displays what it could potentially otherwise be but it can't hide the fact that success in this game, to a degree, can be purchased.

Premium weapons (those which are required to be bought and aren't achievable through natural game play) is the literal death of competetive matches in Red Crucible. They far out-weigh all other weapons in performance yet are accessible to anyone willing to fork out the cash. Amusingly, the devs of Red Crucible could argue that these weapons are 'theoretically' attainable by even the cheapest prick through the game credits accumulated by in-game play. However, anyone who may have played the game before will vouch that these credits (or coins) are ridiculously difficult to obtain in a mass large enough to purchase a premium weapon.

In early stages (1 - 20) a player may not notice the severe advantage a premium weapon presents to their opponent, simple skills and tactics being more than enough to equalize the disparity. It is only upon reaching levels 20 - 26 that it becomes abrupty apparent, making these levels the hardest to level up from and compete in. It is only now, after many hours wasted, that I find myself in a position to compete against anybody without the asistance of a premium gun.

I rather enjoyed the game to be honest, the matches are generally competetive and fun. Yet it is on pure principle that I can't recommend this game to anyone. Red Crucible: Firestorm isn't designed to reward effort, nor hours, and certainly not skill, but the amount of cash a kid is willing to steal from their parents.

5/10: I still play the game so can't hate too much.
Postat 24 februarie 2016. Editat ultima dată 24 februarie 2016.
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As satisfying as the the last season in the series. Similar format to the last season; with the function for actions and choices being altered slightly. There are many overwhelmingly difficult decisions to make, which can have potentially significant impacts on the plot and the development of the protagonist Clementine. If you enjoyed the last season, you will love this one.

Buy it.

Postat 26 ianuarie 2016.
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12.8 ore înregistrate
One of the most entertaining and emotionally draining games I've played. I loved the engaging story, the function designed for you to make some very difficult choices, and the level which I became invested in each of the characters. It's a great game which I'm sincerely releived I purchased.
Postat 22 ianuarie 2016.
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7.3 ore înregistrate (3.2 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Scary game, not overly complex or difficult but still worth what you've paid.
Postat 14 ianuarie 2015.
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