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Ulasan terkini oleh AonGreyFox

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Menampilkan1-10 dari 28 kiriman
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Tercatat 143.0 jam (Telah dimainkan 5.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Review during early open beta, My review base on everything compare to Warframe BACK IN THE DAY where even Archwing don't exist.

Warframe but Nexon. - 6/10

90% of the game can be play much better and smoother in Warframe. The unique come form...
= Totally mobile game / P2W shooter kind of UI. It's a UI that I quite hate but personal taste, no negative point here.
- Green screen plank of wood actor. I see better emotion from Alone in the Dark (1992) . Better match with Sega VA and this will be perfect.
- Out of place skin. In the world setting of cybernatic enhance, we got school girl, fursuit and alike. Please add golden radian wing with RGB color and flashy helm. Also rainbow laser and teleport.
- Potato is far costly than Warframe. You don't need it like Warframe, but you'll be half effective as people who use them. Totally not P2W UwU
- Weapon also have level, mean extra grinding for leveling gun and that make it power creep so bad that you just a wet noodle when some higher level gear join your game. It's FAR WORST than Warframe power scaling.
- Silly pepper gun sfx. Add more pitch and it's a kid gun sfx you found in early 90'.
- Quite annoying to setup proper zone for party even set to private.
+ Gun accuracy seem satisfy to use.

All in all, not a bad one, but remind me of Path of Exile when it still a Diablo 2 clone with just darker theme. But even there, PoE still feel so different from D2. TFD fail to impress me like PoE back in the day.

Feel free to try as it's free to play anyway, but better judge with same game during the same development period. Mine was 6/10 is quite fair I think. (I'm not the one who will give every game at least 6 out of ten :p )

I'll give TFD at least 1 year to see how much it can improve. Better drop it if it still try to be exact copy Warframe or going south.
But judge from Nexon... I'll give 60% likely to be fail product and drop like many game they try before. Unless some magic happen in those 40% like before :p
Diposting pada 11 Juli.
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Tercatat 3.7 jam
Fun puzzle action game aka raid style. A bit too fast for multiplayer-base mechanic. Their is a lot of cons for me but I still recommend if you interest in this kind of game.

- Virtual clue is bad. Many telegraph look quite the same.
- BGM is not interesting.
- Audio clue is not existance.
- Unlock character from hard mode which far harder than normal. Just my 2 cent that unlock character / content better be in normal so it can be access by more player. Cosmatic / trinket can be use to show that you finish the hard mode.

*I myself quite hate the spread out mechanic. It's really painful experience and can ruin the fun real quick instead of enjoy solve the puzzle of raid-style. But I think each game have their own way to add difficulty so I don't totally think it's cons.... somehow.*

First 3 points is not an acceptable excuse if anyone told that increase difficulty or anything. Touhou or other game can be good example that good telegraph/virtual/audio clue can give far better experience when you play any game.

I hope Dev can improve on the first 3 points ; w ;
Diposting pada 3 Juli.
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The good pun of Forgotten Kingdom - Forgettable DLC. If you don't have it, you don't lose any thing. If you have it ... you got some .... may be enjoyable one shot?

TLDR, I don't feel hype, excite, super fun or really disappointing before/after this DLC at all. It just ... oh, ok, it end ' w 'a

► Story
- A better than before I think. This one more involve to player as adventurer, explore new world. Need better ending to feel more complete. Well, I don't have good hope with writer that throw good potential multi universe story - with the main game ending like that lol.

► Enemy Design
- Complete failed. Who ever design common enemy (and elite) in this DLC should be fire forever in Flame Tornado. We like how most enemy in remnant have weak spot and a way to dispatch them quickly before being overwhelm. This one don't have a good weak spot. All of them are counter base. Don't ride bicycle in savanna because some cool guy did it, you are remnant, not Sekiro. KNOW YOU GAME.

► Boss fight
- Quite fun, but spam a lot of hit and fast. Should be lot of problem with many people who don't play regen build. Compare to other boss in the game, this DLC enjoy spam attack and it hit quite hard. Imagine Red Price that keep spam 3 slash every 2 second, that the feel of this DLC boss.

► Puzzle
- I cannot say yet since I have yet to find most of it. But I do like the moon phase puzzle. That is really, really good design which most player love. You can look for hint, you can try shoot to brute force a way, you can try solving just by looking at it. Multiple way to solve. Simple and easy, yet still have a taste of challenge in it. Unlike some other that have to wait..., or what the fox how can I know the damn triangle arrangement?

► Item
- Again, I'm not find most of it yet, but the one from story and bit of random seem like just expand of old build concept. Bleeding, perfect dodge, more for Damage reduction. Kind of Min-max, which make me afraid of DEV is out of trick soon. (Which can lead to Renmant 2 is no longer support after third DLC :v)

All in all, a forgettable DLC. If you want something new for Remnant 2, it's okay. If you expect a good one, nah, totally not. Still better story than main game Losomn for me. I hope third one with N'erud is a blast. I love N'erud sci-fi base story.
Diposting pada 3 Mei.
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Tercatat 3.1 jam
Kay did it once again. A nice, enjoyable beat'm up with Hololive's talent. Each character have their own status and ability to use, plus item for more variation in gameplay. Co-op are fun and super chaotic for good.

Just try it, you may like or not.

Their is also a lot of room for improvement. My 2cent is...
- Some items need different effect. Like instead of heal for xx/yy/zz/ab. Apply long time regen or alike.
- Enemies roaster have too much of projectile attacker in beat'm up. This can easily ruin the fun for many people. Imagine play Street of Rage and half of enemy have a throwing knife or grenade.
--- a change to have slightly longer reach, move faster can add more variation.
- Ability 2 and power attack need to charge up while stand still. Which not translate really well in beat'm up and half enemy on screen can attack from a far to interrupt it.
--- Walk slowly while charge up would be good.
- Interactable prop are bad, aside from throwing. Slow you down, a single hit or dodge will drop it. Normal reach is too short and break too easy with normal attack.
--- Make it drop only when knock-down, increase reach/aoe. Better to urge player to try using it.
- Stage is just all liner, while it is not bad. But a little variation can greatly help. Even a unwalkable block, tight gate. Or destructible create can help bring more life to the stage itself.

Keep it up Kay-san!
Diposting pada 30 Maret. Terakhir diedit pada 30 Maret.
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Tercatat 207.0 jam (Telah dimainkan 98.7 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Remnant 2 is a looter shooter with unfair Artificial difficulty try to be soul like game. It's have a charm on it's own. A joy after beat or toy around those bad dungeon design from 6 years old. If you like kind of feeling, it's quite good. 6.5/10 good on sales.

I'll be honest here first. I'm not good enough for great player. I'm average player try to be cool in hard game. I die a lot in each soul game. I enjoy overcome those obstacle. I do recommend R2, but...

You ever heard IWNBTG or Mario Neko? R2 pretty much like that, but turn down by half. It's a trial and error fest slap with soul-like and LEVEL SCALING THAT EVERYONE LOVE AND MUST HAVE IT. (Even with difficulty selection, adventure mode, minimum level to use as balance..... GG DEV ISSUE.)

I don't hate trial and error. But I don't think its work here. Mistake are mean to learn and overcome it. But most of my dead in R2 never make me feel like I just miss it or want to learn why I die. I just ... WTFox? like sometime get OHK from 100% but try again and hit for 40% or wow .... you just doing this cheap? its keep happen almost all the time.

I'm pretty sure that Dev feel like if they can make player suffer for unfair, they WILL do. (for non-boss encounter only) and let's everyone cast git gud magic to those who fail instead of try to make it interesting, fun and enjoyable fight moment. Seriously, I never find random encounter with a cool moment in R2. Unlike other game that some how I just give a thumb up for how awesome or clever trap/encounter it is.
(Script one like Alchemist stone is another story.)

I also disappoint how small pool of world we can explore. Even DLC is still on the same old world! (with the same BORING story) In this kind of world travelling. You can expand a lot of world, even make it shorter but require more to explore. Those variety greatly improve replayability and make it more interesting. You want to see more of this game can offer.

A lot of QoL/function are missing that make R2 less enjoyable... like text chat in co-op, unstable netcode, kick to main menu when disconnect, not share ammo drop, scaling system, boost up power level when someone join, buff to much HP/dmg when co-op, hit register on host side include projectile from other player, low scrab, etc. Seriously, this is pretty much on par with Payda* 2 without mod to help fix it back in ancient age.

Well, I do hope dev put more effort to improve the game and release better dlc. Cuz right now its half good with huge mass. It's really sad to see this much potential go to N'erud.
Diposting pada 17 Januari.
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Tercatat 360.1 jam (Telah dimainkan 66.8 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Ulasan Akses Dini
"Ultimate slogfest that put MMOrpg mobile to shame." - Grinding Guy
"Feel like sick monkey in piranha pool." - Survival of Fittest

Valheim do have charm in it and the game work with co-op. It's workable sandbox game with liner progression, RPG element and its own unique. But very bare bone of everything and I mean it. You can spend lot of time worth its price because it force you to play that way.

I.... didn't hate Valhelm but I hate lot of thing that didn't translate well in Survival game are cram in this one. I do recommend to try it, but be prepare to waste a lot of your time since Valhaim grinding is garbage tier like MMO mobile without automode. THAT much.

Imagine playing Minecraft but you can carry only 32 iron and your sword need 64 to craft and 32 each to upgrade with 1 point of damage 4 times. Include armor, Iron deposit is 5-10min to travel back cuz no teleport allow with those ore.

Sandbox element is VERY limit. You don't have much to choose and those rain / roof mechanic force it more. You can try to be creative, but earth is limited.

Combat is ..... wonky. You feel OP and strong because of GEAR, not your 'player' skill. Much like those MMO mobile. While game allow to dodge, parry. It's still tie directly to gear and food buff. So you are not Viking try to reach Valhalla. But sick monkey pretend to be one.
Weapon reach is short and slow. Stamina drain is huge. Monster run around toying with your office syndrome monkey. Some are just unfair to create FAKE challenge. No git gud or skill issue white knight magic can save your sorry dev a*s. but pure DEV issue again. It's complete lazy and childish design.

One thing I don't like but it work as game progression is design monster and biome with intent you have xxx buff with you. Instead of make it somehow hard but you can workaround or use those option to make it easier. Cuz its mean you have to grind for it - again. Waste your time to do a chore in game to actually progress.

Some said like it create realistic element... no, it's not. Realistic are not going along with RPG and lot of sandbox game mechanic with enemy advantage. If you said Valhaim is hard because you are sickly salary man try to survive in savanna then I'll agree with you.

Random event raid your base is another one that put ultimate cheap spawn from 7 Days to Die to shame due to combat / respawn mechanic. It's happen randomly (20% each 46 min.) and suddenly. Stronger with each boss killed. So you are force to active like Don't Starved all the time in this grinding MMO mobile - like game?

Remember that your power come from gear and food buff so if you die once, it's a slog death loop until it's stop. That not include some enemy destroy your chest or obliterate your farm. Good thing is destroyed item drop their material.... well, exclude you beloved farm/tame animal. And you only lose hard earn grinding skill once in a while :v

Also darkness is far more worst of all game out here. No brightness option, your torch is a matchstick. Other light is box of matchstick. Fog block everything like London smog. Okay, this is good point of Valhelm that light radius is VERY realistic ...... that don't translate well in game with heavy combat and RPG like this.

Dev force disadvantage on everything and I mean everything.

I .... like to say about good thing in Valhelm but I can't find strong point of it. Only unique point that each other game have so it's don't count. Everything else is working and bare bone. So.... Valhelm is "Working sandbox game with co-op" You have lot of thing to do, but not much deep each. You spend lot of time because it force you to grind. So it's worth a price if you want to spend your time to farm something and play with your friend or love doing slowly while solo it.

I highly recommend MOD Valheim for EXTREME FAR BETTER experience. That why I recommend it.
Diposting pada 27 Desember 2023. Terakhir diedit pada 27 Desember 2023.
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Tercatat 34.4 jam
If Doom 2016 is 9/10 for me, Doom Eternal is 6.5/10
I'm finish the game in UV with around 9 life death or so.

DE is good game and challenging. Very nice for who want adrenaline pumping shooter. That's why I recommend it but go against it.

The problem of DE is they try to make its a puzzle shooter. You need some way to counter them effectively. This call as a dance by many player. While Doom 2016 is too easy, but it's give more way to deal with enemy. It's hard to say but I feel like DE have a lot of unfair battle. Its use a lot of jumpscare/surprise attack to catch player off guard. It's nice to use it from time to time but when overuse it's stale real quick.

Another this is a lot of jumping / platforming puzzle that many people can relate them as Mario/Crash. It's interrupt the flow of the game. You can say that it give you time to relex or something, but this just ... too many. Just like Sonic stage that full of waiting for block to move. Some are quite annoying. Same problem with secret in 2016 that it's not extra reward but almost mandatory to character progression.

I do love mid game during mission 4-9 (beside that guy) It's great when you can feel like 2016 but have more toy to play. You can dash, freeze, recover armor. Enemy is not too much to be meme closet. But after that, thing start falling, more complex platforming, spam mid-tier unit over and over to surprise you. Icon of Sin still very disappoint boss. Icon himself is fun and cool, but same gimmick of spamming for luck base fight as Doom 2 that no one like still here? Lame.

Last nail to the coffin is the ending and credit. I enjoy watching end credit in 2016, but this...... oh please. Just .... why?

TBH, Maureder is some what fun for me... if you can call wait and shoot 3-4 times while hope no other monster interrupt you is fun.

Not going to AG. More complex, more spam. I'm better go play real puzzle/rhythm game.
Diposting pada 29 Agustus 2023.
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Tercatat 102.7 jam (Telah dimainkan 11.7 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Vermintide 2 DLC standalone. If you wanna try, go get on Xbox game pass instead. Please, trust me. I have faith in you more than Emperor's sc**bag. I have to say that Fatshark really nail how you'll be in Warhammer 40k without name. "Trash worm, just obey, don't dare asking. lol"

Only plus side is you no longer need to hunt for trash tomb each time you play. Everything else? well, I'll try to list some for ya.

- Stage's color is boring as story.
--- Environment detail is good... I admit it, but overall lack of lighting and good virtual make it crap for gameplay. This is hoard shooter hobo not horror adventure. Dev try to drive limousine to mountain road. It's work on GT*O, but not this.
--- Lack of mission environment different. Every mission almost look the same. Unless you really try to love it, it hardly memorable in each zone. Remember Vermintide 2 each stage is virtually different? NOT HERE! That's just .... great...
- Same bad equipment progression but worst way to obtain. +3 Division 2 copy point.
- Kick idle player out of hub every 5 minute and no interaction with other people... WHY MAKING HUB? JUST WHY? This is as stupid as Emperor can be.
- Best objective direction ever, specially when you need to scan. No wonder why they never win the war.
- Lack of customise more than Vermintide.
--- After class overhaul update, you get tree style customization YEAH! But they still like to punish player by add thing unnecessary to this and that part that make you feel "why is this exist here?"
--- Still don't have sub class so it's still less than Vermintide 2 or almost nearly on par.
--- Forget about cosmetic. It's worst than random cash grab game. You can just random type some character and print on them and being far better than this.
- Constant interrupt by story of brabrabra you are t-r-a-s-h proof it during leveling. Over and over and over and o...... One way to put for L O R E moment. Okay, let's me rant on this more please, trust me bro. But go do another mission or three and I'll tell you more. Well, I guess it's best story written even exist in Warhammer universe cuz you don't deserved to be living being in this game anyway. Why Dev bother tell you some awesome story :v
--- This extend to 70% of all dialogue in-game. If you are bad with constant insult due to Warhammer lore. I highly recommend to avoid this game completely. I'm being serious here.
- Combat still melee heavy. Feel quite good and bad at the same time due to latency. Some run you doing well, some run you aim just miss for no reason.
- I still don't get why ammo still need to be share pickup. I don't feel like it add difficulty or player engagement at all. It's just rip the fun out of player. If Dev gonna say about make game harder or balance, that's on YOU. 'Dev issue' to not do proper BALANCE gameplay, not player problem. (Although I like to shoot gun, I switch to main melee so my teammate can enjoy shooting to their heart content.)

Yup, my sentence is disobey and ask too many question. Suit me well and I not gonna change my prisoner uniform until Dev try to improve it ..... which will never be until EoS.
Diposting pada 27 Agustus 2023. Terakhir diedit pada 7 Oktober 2023.
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Tercatat 1,418.4 jam (Telah dimainkan 226.9 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Ulasan Akses Dini
10 year of alpha~
TL;dr : Minecraft with a bit more real graphic, own physic and combat with even slower update and... less creativity. Best with friend, addict while learning how to play.


Yup, I think its good to compare 7d2d with Minecraft. Main point is to create your own story, your own playstyle, like most survival sandbox game.

The downside is everything in it own category.
- BGM : Almost non existence.
- Combat : Wonky hitbox, unfair disadvantage from hit you usually able to avoid in other game due to spawning zombie work.
- Weapon of choice : Quite vary, but hardest quest will force META play or DIE. Free to use anything otherwise.
- Crafting gear system : Far tedious than just loot some house.
- Sandbox Building : Okay but weight of prop can ruin everything, so you have to stick to game's own realistic.
- Hoard (7d2d main point) : Trial and error. Not that bad, quite good if you don't mass up due to how recovery from status effect in this game work.
- Punishment : You can get several status effect when hit by zombie and those take from 6 minute to 12 minute in real time to heal. While its good to make zombie dangerous. RNG is on zed side and wonky hitbox, so its a bad one.

Yup, playing 7d2d give me the same feel as Minecraft (around 1.6 I think?), look cool at first, but once you learn the basic it start to become base builder and everything just stale after you know how about 7d2d world work.

Major problem I find in A21 update is mainly gear and combat.

You'll get better and faster gear than try to make your own, unless its very basic one. Looting ton of book is nothing when best available one is come from loot (and good one on sell). Yes, you can try to craft some decent one to use, but it didn't yield much better than basic one. You can lower loot percentage, but that defeat the purpose of looting element. Grade of gear is few and that limit variety and unique of those thing.

With default setting, I can stock up tier 5-6 highest grade gear far faster than craft tier 4-5 of middle grade gear from reading book... Okay, its work when you die a lot with lose everything setting because...........

Combat... melee in Minecraft is smoother than 7d2d because you know when you will hit and will be hit. Hitbox is wonky and enemy can extend their reach for whatever reason. Like Zomboid, each hit can cripple you with extreme annoying status effect that take REAL time to cure. But with wonky hitbox, you far more likely to get hit with 1 zed in 7d2d than 10 zed in Zomboid.

DEV also force spawn in very unfair fashion as possible. Think about playing dungeon looter game and you raid skeleton dungeon. When you open the hallway door, 5 dragons is charging from each side and above out of nowhere. Your party wipe and GM/DM is laughing at you for not prepare for hoard dragon in SKELETON dungeon. That's how high tier dungeon in this game look like. You try to stealth? force loud, you have awareness? drop from the ceiling, you prepare for each door? spawn from empty space. You name it. Even you went in empty field and try to cut the tree, you got hit by random slow moving zombie out of thin air!

This force player to go META and use sandbox element. Namely S tier perk Parkour that let you jump really high and Rocket launcher. You can try anything else, but when game spawn 20+ highest tier enemy around you, you know the drill. Protecting the DEV and gitgud magic not going to save this sorry ass lazy idea of spawn. DEV have far more game in 10 years to LEARN how to do it better. Yup, they don't. Is this Duke Forever?
*end of rant*


Well, 7d2d is a rough gem. Its does have potential but gemcutter is slow and lack some talent in his career. If you want some more Minecraft experience with more combat oriented. Get it on high discount. You'll surprise how addict it is. Until it start to stale once you get a hang of it.

Highly recommend to play with friend as playing alone is more boring than Minecraft.
Diposting pada 30 Juni 2023.
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Tercatat 14.1 jam (Telah dimainkan 8.2 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Can you love war machine? One that look so blend and not cute or ♥♥♥♥?

Yes, I do.

Titanfall 2 properly my best gaming experience during this few year. It's using short-linear story to make most of its a memorable experience. Gameplay, gunplay, control, movement and story are very fluid and smooth. Nothing complicate or overwhelming, no cheap tactic and every failure is all my fault.

While the story is nothing new but the character is what make it good. BT is the star here. He's adorable, reliable, clumsy and protect us. Interaction between Pilot (Player) and BT is properly the best of all. He'll be your senior, your comrade, your friend and your partner.

TBH, I'm not into the game story for very, very long time. But the best moment at the end really got me. Every word pilot say is just like myself in that situation. It's flow right out of me. I feel like I'm being Pilot and BT is on my side.

Call me exaggerate, but I really glad I play Titanfall 2 campaign and I wish if you have time, to relax and try it. Don't expect super great story or awesome effect. Just enjoy the simplicity. Who know? you may or may not love it.

Only my nitpick is it's a little bit short and don't push the emotion to the edge. But 'trust me' Titanfall 2 experience is worth every minute.
Diposting pada 23 Juni 2023.
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