12th annual jinglelope
Alexander "Ball So Hard" Bridgeman
top 5 games:
1. Arm Wrestle
2. Tug o' War
3. Thumb War
4. Everything Everywhere All At Once
5. Sekiro: Shadow's Die Twice
afedeeronel: of course
Neptunic: of
afedeeronel: course
Neptunic: of
afedeeronel: course
Neptunic: of
afedeeronel: course
Neptunic: of
afedeeronel: course
Neptunic: of
afedeeronel: course
Neptunic: fo
afedeeronel: crsre
Neptunic: fof
afedeeronel: coursuro
Neptunic: ficl
afedeeronel: cerad
Neptunic: ♥♥♥♥
afedeeronel: me
Neptunic: fwik
afedeeronel: brother????
Neptunic: brotjn

why didn't people just tell hitler to stop
because he was doing what everyone wanted

(on this day, Huey Magoos, Chris' favorite restaurant, closed)
alex: thanks for the sushi btw
alex: i feel like you paid too much tho
Nepnewnic: nah u did me two solids
Nepnewnic: i owe u a good meal
alex: <3
Nepnewnic: <3
alex: still, how about you and me go to the SU sometime and I treat you to huey magoos
Nepnewnic is now Offline.

shadostriker: this game is good
🍴 Turkalope 🍴: how can it be good
🍴 Turkalope 🍴: i've never heard of it
shadostriker: i concede

Linkstalk^: sry i don't haev some stupid election coming up
🎃 jack-a-lope 🎃: then what do u do for entertainment
Linkstalk^: spoop children
🎃 jack-a-lope 🎃: u have children in canada?
Linkstalk^: ye
Linkstalk^: and they arent obease
Linkstalk^: liek u
Linkstalk^: guys
Linkstalk^: and u
Linkstalk^: mostly u

Neptunic: abc
jackalope: u forgot u r a q t
Neptunic: and d i k
Neptunic: and p e n i s
Neptunic: and i l o v e u
Neptunic: and j k
jackalope: i'll give u the d later

Neptunic: wait i thought it was like march
Neptunic: that date makes way more sense now
jackalope: christopher
Neptunic: sh
Neptunic: im busy
Neptunic is now Online.
jackalope: i'm busy
jackalope: see how long it took me to reply
jackalope: i was busy
Neptunic: not as busy as me
Neptunic is now Busy.
Neptunic: took me longer to be busy
Neptunic: so
Neptunic: that proves I'm more busy
Neptunic: because it took longer to say so
jackalope: well i'm too busy to even change my busy status
Neptunic: well obviously not ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
jackalope: oh sorry i was too busy to read what you just wrote
Neptunic: wow it took me 2 minutes to respond instead of ur 1, I MUST be busier....
jackalope: i'm too busy to eve
Neptunic: i

jackalope: I GOT FRIDAYS OFF
jackalope: THANK YOU JESUS
jackalope: JESUS THANK YOU
Neptunic: ur welcome son
Neptunic has changed their name to Jesus.
Jesus: yes
Jesus: Praise me

jackalope: quick chris who will be president
Neptunic: donald clinton
Neptunic: ♥♥♥♥
Neptunic: they're getting married
Neptunic: i bet u 200 tohousnad dollars it's donald
jackalope: make it a small loan and it's a deal
Neptunic: how about instead of a small loan I give you big ♥♥♥♥
Neptunic: 2 miles
jackalope: ok
jackalope: : ^)
Neptunic: i take it back
Neptunic: but I put it back in ;)
Neptunic: oh but I take it back
Neptunic: and I put it back in ;)

jackalope: bro you don't know how to integrate sin^2(6x)
Neptunic: no
jackalope: maybe you shouldve stayed in high school one more year
Neptunic: maybe you should get better jokes
jackalope: knock knock
Neptunic: ♥♥♥♥ you
jackalope: it's the chicken

Neptunic: ur cool
Neptunic is now Offline

Neptunic: the wall IS weird jail
jackalope: that makes the whole country weird jail
Neptunic: yes
Neptunic: anyway life's rough man I don't know when I'll be back but I wish you only the best from what you strive for
jackalope: oh cool
Neptunic is now Offline.

Jalopilope: are u ready kids
Neptunic: 1 sec captain
Jalopilope: i cant hear you
Jalopilope: OHHHHHHHHH

🎆 Happy Boo Year 🎆 has changed their name to 🎆 Happy Jew Year 🎆.
shadostriker: racist pig

🔔 Jinglelope 🔔: i'll go by myself like a pansy then
🎄 Chris Chringle 🎄: pansy
🎄 Chris Chringle 🎄: panties
🎄 Chris Chringle 🎄: pants
🔔 Jinglelope 🔔: wtf
🎄 Chris Chringle 🎄: pullups
🎄 Chris Chringle 🎄: do pullups for me

🎄 Chris Chringle 🎄: jesus is conservative propaganda created by the government

*edited grants picture to make it look like i got into overwatch*
🍴 Turkalope 🍴: http://i.imgur.com/QCylrIA.png
🍴 Turkalope 🍴: meh whatever
🍴 Nepturkey 🍴: WAIT WTF
🍴 Nepturkey 🍴: SERIOUS
🍴 Nepturkey 🍴: Y
🍴 Nepturkey 🍴: SERIOUSLY
🍴 Turkalope 🍴: i'm gonna main widowmaker
🍴 Nepturkey 🍴: ♥♥♥♥ YOU
🍴 Turkalope 🍴: also blizzard said it was illegal to share with you so
🍴 Nepturkey 🍴: ♥♥♥♥ YOU
🍴 Nepturkey 🍴: U ♥♥♥♥ MY NUTS
🍴 Turkalope 🍴: ur the only one that didnt get in?
🍴 Turkalope 🍴: aw man.
🍴 Nepturkey 🍴: yes
🍴 Nepturkey 🍴: yes i am
🍴 Nepturkey 🍴: everyone I know that wanted in
🍴 Nepturkey 🍴: got in
🍴 Nepturkey 🍴: ♥♥♥ my nuts
🍴 Turkalope 🍴: well u still have undertale
🍴 Nepturkey 🍴: under<over
*twin tells him it was all a ruse*
🍴 Nepturkey 🍴: oh ♥♥♥♥ you

🍴 Nepturkey 🍴: HOW DID I GET AN 8/18 ON THAT QUESTION ♥♥♥
🍴 Nepturkey 🍴: Ok brb lol showersies :)

shadostriker: turkalope?
shadostriker: more like
shadostriker: jerkalope
🍴 Turkalope 🍴: that's not the thanksgiving spirit
shadostriker: no it is
🍴 Turkalope 🍴: shadostriker?
🍴 Turkalope 🍴: more like
🍴 Turkalope 🍴: badostriker
shadostriker: ok
shadostriker: ok really?
shadostriker: i was just joking around but now uve taken it too far

Spoopy Pupingkin: kill urself god
jack-a-lope: he kinda did
jack-a-lope: :/
Spoopy Pupingkin: no he killed his clone
Raptoro 2024 年 4 月 23 日 下午 9:08 
+rep, can't make a better farm than me
neptunic 2023 年 11 月 28 日 下午 8:58 
neptunic 2023 年 7 月 17 日 下午 7:20 
Here I will leave the cat
      />  フ
      |  ^  ^ l
      /` ミ_ 3_ノ
     /      |
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    │  | | |
 / ̄|   | | |
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neptunic 2022 年 10 月 1 日 下午 11:44 
it's been awhile huh
hope you haven't choked on that bean you've always been worried about
Fat Injections 2022 年 7 月 10 日 下午 12:52 
he he ha ha ho ho
neptunic 2022 年 4 月 4 日 下午 6:01 