1st place love live fan
tavy: ahhh well it's ok, im used to u having no taste :)
sciz: i'm not split

sciz: who knows
sciz: music is weird
sciz: this is why i just watch vtubers now smh

tavy: btw
tavy: sciz thinks ur dating like a 13 year old or something
Mute: probably thinks that cause he wants that for himself

[4:12 AM]
hscizeer: Smh
tavy: u want sum smh
tavy: ill give u sum smh
tavy: hol up
tavy: gonna go over to the dark corner of the internet and shake down the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ for their cursed pictures
hscizeer: the what

[2:46 AM]
hscizeer: they need to add kaiba into pokemon
hscizeer: i think that would fix it

[6:53:51 PM] angel: He who is without sin, cast the first stone. #Haterz
[6:54:23 PM] angel: "I only regret that I have but one live to give for my country. #YOLO"
[6:56:57 PM] angel: I did not have sexual relations with that woman #wasntme
Currently Offline
8:21 PM - Glacia: you have a mp7 whiteout
8:21 PM - angel: It solidifies my position as a white guy
8:21 PM - Glacia: you didn't need to solidify that any further

2:45 PM - Waldo ring: SOON
2:45 PM - angel: EEEEEEE
2:45 PM - angel: ADD AN E TO SOON
2:45 PM - angel: YOU GET
2:45 PM - angel: ESOON
2:45 PM - angel: NOOSE
2:45 PM - angel: 8)
2:46 PM - Waldo ring: well i cant argue with that

9:59 PM - Split: was about to get off
10:00 PM - Tavy: what a coincidence
10:00 PM - Tavy: so am i
10:00 PM - Tavy: :^)

1:09 AM - nan: #tec9 for the kids

12:52 AM - RoadBlocks: Feels good to eat some raw nuts
12:52 AM - RoadBlocks: :)
12:52 AM - RoadBlocks: don't you just love to play with nuts in your mouth
12:52 AM - RoadBlocks: :)

2:46 PM - CONDUCTOR WE HAVE A PROBLEM: If you excuse me
2:46 PM - CONDUCTOR WE HAVE A PROBLEM: Im about to fap to Iowa with my hand full of bacon grease
2:46 PM - CONDUCTOR WE HAVE A PROBLEM: All while my pet bald eagle watches
2:46 PM - angel: LOL
2:47 PM - CONDUCTOR WE HAVE A PROBLEM: What's so funny
2:48 PM - CONDUCTOR WE HAVE A PROBLEM: Freedom ain't free ♥♥♥♥♥

Gardevoir : angel da real MVP for dat round
● angel : *DEAD* the worstest player : angel dont make me come over there and suck your ♥♥♥♥
Gardevoir : Yes please?
My Apricity : not if i can suck your ♥♥♥♥ firsty
● angel : 12:27 AM - Shiny Charizard: shut the ♥♥♥♥ up before i put my ♥♥♥♥ in your mouth too
*DEAD* loli 🌠 : Ill suck all the ♥♥♥♥♥ with my loli powers

*DEAD* Generic : nice hax free whiff
Generic : angle

11:24 PM - tavy: you linked shimakaze porn
11:25 PM - Nut: you know
11:25 PM - Nut: That's actually serious
11:25 PM - Nut: I'm very serious with giving out porn of my waifu
11:25 PM - Nut: You know
11:25 PM - Nut: When I was with irl friend's
11:25 PM - Nut: Wait this is shimakaze why are you showing this
11:25 PM - Nut: And I said
11:26 PM - Nut: This video is ♥♥♥♥ which is why I'm OK with showing you shimakaze
11:26 PM - tavy: i don't know if this makes me feel better or worse

11:47 PM - tavy: tell me a story
11:47 PM - tavy: pls
11:47 PM - Ginger From Ale: I went to yo houz
11:47 PM - Ginger From Ale: and you werent there
11:47 PM - Ginger From Ale: and I was ♥♥♥♥ yo mom
11:47 PM - Ginger From Ale: and yo came in the room
11:47 PM - Ginger From Ale: and just shot me up
11:48 PM - Ginger From Ale: with memes
11:48 PM - Ginger From Ale: and i was liek
11:48 PM - Ginger From Ale: keking all over your mom
11:48 PM - Ginger From Ale: but then you finally realized
11:48 PM - Ginger From Ale: that I was your dad
11:48 PM - Ginger From Ale: <3
11:48 PM - Ginger From Ale: Welcome home Son
11:48 PM - Ginger From Ale: I am glad to be back
11:48 PM - Ginger From Ale: :)
11:48 PM - tavy: I don't know if this is the worst story I've ever read, the best, or if I'm just so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ tired that I don't know the difference

11:55 PM - Ginger From Ale: why does the vagaina have to be censored and the ♥♥♥♥ not????
11:55 PM - Ginger From Ale: and I just completely roast japanese ♥♥♥♥♥
11:55 PM - Ginger From Ale: I am like
11:55 PM - Ginger From Ale: YEA they are not even that impressive
11:55 PM - Ginger From Ale: they're ♥♥♥♥♥ small
11:55 PM - tavy: because the porn industry is owned by the americans and they need to keep the japanese reminded of ww2

12:01 AM - Ginger From Ale: I shame you everyday

• ץค๒เ : tavy
• ץค๒เ : you scare me

6:57 PM - Nut: this girl in the beginning of a chapter
6:57 PM - Nut: literally cuts herself
6:58 PM - Nut: and just says "haa..."
6:58 PM - Nut: later on she chugs like 20 pills
6:58 PM - Nut: not gonna lie
6:58 PM - Nut: ...
6:58 PM - Nut: waifu material right here 8)

*a random dude from Germany added me*
8:46 PM - tavy: who dis
8:47 PM - Supersayajin56: wrong SplitTheFaggot sorry
8:47 PM - Supersayajin56: xD
8:47 PM - Supersayajin56: remove me

12:55 AM - Split: I don't wanna play with myself, it's too much work

[1:35:15 AM] 私の友達は本当に悪いだ: oooo
[1:35:17 AM] 私の友達は本当に悪いだ: nice transitions
[1:35:21 AM] 私の友達は本当に悪いだ: you have gotten better
[1:35:22 AM] 私の友達は本当に悪いだ: :')
[1:35:43 AM] tavy: awwwwwwww thanks that actually means a lot


● *DEAD* nearlygd‎ : bro
● *DEAD* tavy‎ : cu @ papa johns bby
● *DEAD* nearlygd‎ : you scare the ♥♥♥♥ out of me

● *DEAD* Murda‎ : tavy youre the trashiest player
● wheels‎ : ♥♥♥♥ pp jon

10:55 PM - Split: it ain't gay to suck another man's ♥♥♥♥
10:56 PM - Split: I will go down as the Legendary Slurper

[11:09:52 PM] Split: kyouani is ♥♥♥♥

10:02 PM - tavy: DAMN
10:02 PM - tavy: THE SMOOTHNESS
10:02 PM - nan: ______________________________________________ smooth as this line ♥♥♥♥♥

*DEAD* Nutella‎ : ♥♥♥♥ off love live fan

8:21 PM - Mute: sorry
8:21 PM - Mute: i dont hang with single people

● *DEAD* tavy‎ : indust is a pedo tho
● mak‎ : so is every other tf2 player tho
● Cosmic ^_^‎ : 90% of tf2 players are
● Cosmic ^_^‎ : only person i talked for a bit was harblu
● Cosmic ^_^‎ : but that was a long time ago
● *DEAD* tavy‎ : do u kno scizor
● mak‎ : never spoke to him but I know of him
● Cosmic ^_^‎ : dont know him personaly
● *DEAD* tavy‎ : what do u think of him
● mak‎ : bad pokemon

tavy: I'm bullying this girl into doing her laundry and finishing unpacking from a trip
tavy: adventures in reddit hoes lmao
Mute: ....
Mute: only tavy in quarantine would do this
Big Tiddy Serperior 24 Feb, 2022 @ 9:35pm 
approval from big tiddy snek :praisesun:
freyja 5 Jan, 2022 @ 7:29pm 
*pfft* oops i farted on your profile ahaha :3c
= vail = 18 Dec, 2021 @ 4:10pm 
bruh you did not just rage quit :(:
Nutella 1 Apr, 2021 @ 12:51am 

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LuciAMariAwonderlif3.stArcreaM 28 Nov, 2019 @ 4:19pm 
- rep griefing in dangerzone boosted silver
Splito OLD HAND 9 Mar, 2017 @ 8:38pm 
░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄SPOOKY SKILENTON