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Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
5 of 33 (15%) Ansaitut saavutukset::

Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset


Finish the introduction
Avattu 5.3.2016 klo 12.49

Akenash's Atrium

Finished mission 1
Avattu 6.3.2016 klo 14.12


Kill an enemy by poisoning the food
Avattu 6.3.2016 klo 6.25


Unlock 20 doors
Avattu 6.3.2016 klo 6.56

Born in the shadow

Extinguish 30 torches
Avattu 5.3.2016 klo 8.35

Master key

Finished mission 2


Finished mission 3

The creator

Finished mission 4

The architect

Finished mission 5


Finished mission 6

Goblin snack

Give an orc one of your clones to eat

Watch out below!

Kill two or more enemies by making a chandelier drop on them

Like looking through a wall

Manage to disable three guards, or more, inside a clone's smoke bomb

Great power...

Unlock all skills


Kill an enemy with an aerial kill

Wrong turn

Kill an enemy with a covered kill

Dodge this

Kill an enemy who was bound by a clone

Suicide mission

Eliminate a guard with a booby trapped clone

My precious

Gather all the treasures

Tidy up your room!

No body found during a mission


Pick pocket 15 guards
3 / 15

Army of clones

Create 30 clones
26 / 30

Unquenched thirst

Drink 20 vials of amber
5 / 20


Do not use any item during a mission


Let 15 clones die
1 / 15

Unseen, unknown

Unlock the Insignia of the Shadow for each mission

7 piilotettua saavutusta jäljellä

Kunkin saavutuksen tiedot paljastetaan niiden avaamisen jälkeen