Peliaika viimeisen 2 viikon aikana:

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20/20 (100%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

Ball Spot

Learn the Ball Spot Form!
Avattu 23.1.2016 klo 0.46

Fire Spot

Learn the Fire Spot Form!
Avattu 2.2.2016 klo 8.36

Five Spot

Learn the Five Spot Form!
Avattu 3.2.2016 klo 0.45

Leaf Spot

Learn the Leaf Spot Form!
Avattu 12.2.2016 klo 5.23

Canonball Ride

Finish Chapter 1!
Avattu 2.2.2016 klo 8.48

Kalida Awakes

Finish Chapter 2!
Avattu 3.2.2016 klo 1.44

The Train to Corona

Finish Chapter 3!
Avattu 12.2.2016 klo 5.31

The Boy in the Mirror

Finish Chapter 4!
Avattu 13.2.2016 klo 4.10

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Figure out the correct time on your own!
Avattu 23.1.2016 klo 8.02

He's never gonna learn...

If Sadwick will ever find the right way to Shana?
Avattu 23.1.2016 klo 7.38

Check Mate

Solve the chess puzzle without skipping.
Avattu 3.2.2016 klo 1.30


Solve the tube puzzle without skipping.
Avattu 12.2.2016 klo 7.13

Shove Off!

Solve the slider puzzle without skipping.
Avattu 12.2.2016 klo 6.39

Saving Time

I don't like minigames!
Avattu 12.2.2016 klo 7.13

Master of Disguise

How often do you have to transform spot?!
Avattu 12.2.2016 klo 8.37

Walkthrough User

Directly open the door.
Avattu 3.2.2016 klo 3.44

Master of the Spot Parcours

This is the optimal solution.
Avattu 12.2.2016 klo 5.52

Dinner is (almost) Ready!

There still isn't any soup!
Avattu 3.2.2016 klo 4.39

Honking Shoes

Unlock the secret honking-shoe-mode!
Avattu 23.1.2016 klo 2.04

Mirror, Mirror...

There must be an alternative ending!
Avattu 13.2.2016 klo 4.08