United States
The name was derived from the Mr. Rogers urban legend.

If you are here because I 'hack' then please, record, submit, and do your best to get me banned. It won't happen, because I don't hack. Watch the killcams, pay attention to what is going on....and if it is Black Ops, go back and watch the game. Half the time someone who gets a final kill that looks fishy, it is because they were just killed by that person, or saw them through a window/doorway.

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DrizzintahlTTV 19 Nov, 2017 @ 7:04pm 
[308]WARPATH this Steam Account is older than you are kiddo, step off.
[308]WARPATH ® 19 Nov, 2017 @ 6:42pm 
great wall hacker !!!!!
PAVEl 30 Sep, 2014 @ 8:04am 
+repp good trader
BnH | SovietRambo 23 May, 2013 @ 8:09pm 
AMIFANTASY 13 May, 2013 @ 3:28pm 
this guys legend no hacks on him
BnH | SovietRambo 11 Dec, 2012 @ 4:38pm 
You stupid ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ spick bastard!!!! Just joking. I love you rogerz. full ♥♥♥♥.