RIP old profile description, tf2 chat was too toxic for ye

Streams Occasionally:

Suffering from a strong case of the wantdies
Currently Online
Wok Hei 20 Jul, 2024 @ 7:35pm 
Orange Boy
Absent 6 Sep, 2023 @ 8:58am 
Well I've had the pfp for like 5 years and have yet to do either so I think my pb is gonna be pretty ♥♥♥♥
fizzie 4 Sep, 2023 @ 3:12pm 
anime pfp death threats to doxx any % speedrun
Omelette 28 Aug, 2023 @ 10:04pm 
This thug was calling me a pocket phlog and got immediately removed from the match by the system.
chaim7games 24 Jan, 2023 @ 7:34pm 
This guy just randomly kicked me In a game of TF2 With some other guys who were doing the same
6 Jan, 2023 @ 8:43pm 
just kick this scumbag troll if you see him in your tf2 game. he will hackusate any sniper after a single kill even if its a body shot and call false kick votes against them. report if met