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112.2 hrs on record (29.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I play a lot of these survival/loot/grind/games, some of my highlights are The Forest, Don't Starve, Valhiem and my personal favourite The Long Dark which is still in a class of its own.

V Rising is basically, Vampires defeated and banished by Humans make a deadly triumphant return, you start of as a weak vampire and grow, in the beginning, feel lost become overwhelmed and die, no problem you just rise again and learn from your mistakes, to gain new abilities you hunt down bosses and once there defeated you again whatever spell they were casting against you, very neat. You also level with equipment which you upgrade through your Castle, some of the bosses drop new recipes or high tire upgrades, white/green/blue etc.

Building your Castle is great fun, clearing an area planting your Castle's heart and building up around it, unlocking decoration/lighting/furniture, then there are floor and wall plannings that speed up your refinement, so if you place a workbench in a room designed with a workshop floor and walls, you use fewer resources and build things quicker, I've spent many hours rearranging my castle, I enjoy this part immensely.

Getting around the world, in the beginning, seems tough, and maybe Stunlock can improve this area early on for new players, there are teleports located around the map, but you can't use these if you have resources in your inventory, so you're often running back to your castle from a distance and can easily end up in a fight and die, which leads to you drop your inventory and having to run back to it, and any player can stumble across your grave and loot, but this is the risk/reward, and this game does balance this part rather well I think, early on for me I found a players grave and it had loads of iron ore that I took, and when I unlocked iron ore refining I already had plenty, which was a nice bonus.
Eventually, you can build a teleport at your castle, and then you discover horses which you can use, although by accident for me, and then you can nip around the world at great speed, slashing and slicing while mounted, I will say Stunlock need to have a section early on where maybe you're on a horse in the tutorial section, so new players know this is what awaits them, some players may be put off at the early games world traversal.

What seals if for me in V Rising, is the setting and the very subtle play elements, some you stumble across, some you figure out yourself, the way the world seems lived in, often you will come across warring factions, there all beat up not much life left, and you come flying in and unleash all hell, take on about 10+ enemies, where normally its certain death but now you just take them out with ease. Slowly you really start to pick up the combat elements, you start to string together such deadly combos with ease, I found it very rewarding, if I use my shield at the right time, I have this ability that spawns skeletons with a block, just wonderful.

Disguise yourself as a human and walk amongst their towns, posess humans and have them defend your castle, upgrade them with better equipment, and send them out on missions, then you discover there is a tier system, similar to MGSV there are better quality NPCs to posess, and so much more I just scratched the surface.

Fantastic game that will only get better, and I enjoy it so much already, not had this much fun playing a game since The Long Dark.

Posted 31 July, 2022.
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44.5 hrs on record (19.6 hrs at review time)
I just want to talk about the atmosphere.

March 2019 This game had a very troubled start and after a few months the player base vanished.

February 2021 and this game is completely different from March 2019, Generation Zero I believe is now delivering on the developers original vision, what you have here is not a survival game, but an exploration horror game.

As you wonder around the map you come across areas that have been ravaged by a conflict, Farms that look like people have left in a hurry, villages that seem to of been occupied by some malevolent force, you never know what you are about to stumble upon or witness, I felt really uneasy entering such areas, it always felt like I was being watched by something.

The Story of the game is to discover what happened to the island and it's occupants, you uncover this through the environment and journals, you come across Maps that highlight areas of discovery, without going into detail it's really rewarding to follow this path, but you can wander of and discover your own adventure.

This game really does feel great to wander around it, with all the 80's trappings and Stranger Things like soundtrack, I love discovering the bootleg Commodore Amiga, things like this really add to the game, I could of played this just as an exploration game, I'm not even talking about the Guns or the Skill Trees or the awesome Enemies, how they hunt you, or sometimes how they see you as some insignificant object and just carry on, I just had such fun living in this world without firing a bullet.

This is a fantastic game now, with each update they add or fix things, like one patch made a specific enemy almost invincible and it was like that for a month, even though it was brutal to take them down it was still a challenge and we teamed together and took it down, these balance issues were bad in the beginning but not now, I can't recommend this game enough it really is good.
Posted 21 February, 2021.
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29.0 hrs on record (8.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Just a fantastic game, It's Stardew, Harvest Moon and all those that came before, but with it's own style and ideas to make it fresh.

I really like how everyday is different in Portia and I find planning my time more effectively, the mining is really good and does not become boring, there seems allot to do and a couple of times a week something new happens in Portia, then there are the town events and quests which are often laughable, catching loot from a dropship with all the town inhabitants ganking each other being a personal fav, even though this is early access there is already allot of game here.

The only thing I find that is hurting the game at a personal level and something I hope changes before release is inconsistent voice acting and volume levels, you can tell the voices are recorded by amateurs and some are good and some are bad, it's also noticable that its been recorded with different mics and in different enviromental conditions, and for me it really hurts the Immersion, if it was recorded at a consistant level I think the voices would sound much better, this is really my only gripe and overall My Time In Portia is fantastic and fun game.
Posted 28 June, 2018. Last edited 28 June, 2018.
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A developer has responded on 28 Jun, 2018 @ 8:09pm (view response)
2 people found this review helpful
583.7 hrs on record (135.2 hrs at review time)
This is a fantastic little gem for Streamers, you can create your own Avatars and watch them roam about the screen interacting with each other, every viewer can have an avatar but you have the ability to set permissions to suit you.

Stream Avatars has it's own built in minigames and currency, it's really easy to setup and has a very active Discord channel full of helpful people, and avatars for you to download.

This really is an essential piece of software, you won't be disappointed.
Posted 30 April, 2018.
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108.7 hrs on record (25.0 hrs at review time)
Fantastic game,

I don't think I have come across a game with such well put togather dialogue, as with most RPG's if an NPC asks you a question and you select the answer which is out of sync with how the designers want the conversation will not flow and be kind of topsy turvy, but here no matter what answer you select it seems the right answer and the conversation just seems normal.

Everyone is praising the GFX and gameplay and rightly so they are fantastic, but for me it's the way you interact in conversations which is the standout.
Posted 21 May, 2016.
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94.9 hrs on record (59.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It's not very often a game comes along for me which makes me step back and go WOW, the last game to do that was WOW, but here's GRAV Reborn a game I had zero expectations and purchased for £5 in the Steam sale.

This game is the culmination of the all the survival games before it, it has every element you would expect of this genre Survival, Base Building, Tower Defense, Tech Trees, Funny Dances, PvE, PvP, Vehicles, Dinosaurs, you name it.

So how does this diffrenciate in a crowded market, simply put it's "EASY" within 30 minutes you would have built the basics and have a grasp on what this game is, and isn't.

To me this game has such a unique learning and path progression that other developers need to take note of what is happening here. I want to convince you to get into this game, to me it's sweet spot is right now, once this game explodes it may not be the same.

It's not perfect, and it's abit rough in places, but the elements are there for a true landmark in gaming, and hopefully start a cosmic shift in what games could potentialy become, and not what they are now.

Do yourself a favour and get in on the groud floor, you will not be dissapointed.
Posted 4 January, 2016.
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24.2 hrs on record (13.0 hrs at review time)
A fantastic game, bought this on a whim as I liked the idea of all the games being part of the same universe and truly a great suprise, I was hooked in 5 minutes, love the old school look but with modern gameplay elements and what a great soundtrack.
Posted 18 April, 2015.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries