hello! im alley
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Estrella Rhodes 20 May @ 7:25am 
wow? its u legend?
Joyeuse 26 Mar @ 9:56am 
hemlo alley
Kamiclausy 4 Dec, 2023 @ 11:04pm 
Hi, I'm commenting to tell you that I'm breaking up with you.

But first, let me tell you how breakups work, ok? The person who wants to break up messages the other person, and tells them about the break-up, ok? With me so far? And then the break-up is in effect, and it's over, etc. etc.

Now, let me tell you how you'll feel. You'll be angry. Cause guys get angry when their girlfriends break up with them. You'll be angry. You'll want to argue. You'll want to scream. Call me names. I know, and I'm telling you so that you're informed too. You'll be angry.
But you know what you'll do? I'll tell you what you'll do: nothing. Because I'm blocking you, completely and on everything, so you won't be able to talk to me.
Kamiclausy 4 Dec, 2023 @ 11:04pm 
Cause that's how telephones and computers work; once you're blocked you can't contact the other person. You get an error message, you see? Here, google it, you'll see what the error message is. That's how it works.

And if you go over to the other person's house, they'll call the police and have you arrested for trespassing and stalking. And you go to jail. So sit down, let me tell you what happens in jail, ok? Bear with me, it'll take a while, but you need to know. See, you're in this room with probably one other guy, ok? And he may be bigger than you. So he'll want the bottom bunk, you see? And there will be these other guys, in the yard when it's time for the exercise period, and they may be looking for an easy victim, you see? With me so far? You need to know this stuff."
BlVCK🎮 19 Nov, 2023 @ 8:35am 
yo, added
react 18 Nov, 2023 @ 1:38pm 
heey, added