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Publisert: 28. okt. 2022 kl. 17.19
Oppdatert: 28. mai kl. 19.56

Honestly, not worth 60 Euros but, campaign is a solid G. When it made me kill Hassan, I felt like a true GI on coke not gonna lie. For the grind aspect, it can be that too, again if you take stuff serious and get mad over a prone shooter, you really need help.

Overall: 7/10
Comment: 60 is not worth for if you take it serious and, but more so the campaign and co-op is. Again, look back at prev COD games like Vanguard, which is a burning pit of garbage IMO.

RE: I have a 144hz screen and max fps. Using GFE optimal settings, I get an average of 60-70fps in 2K. In 1920x1080, it is basically the same? How? Even with lowest graphics as possible, gets me 90fps on both resolutions. If it was at a constant rate, I would not be complaining but even in the very first OCM of the campaign, I average 30-50, which is not it. Either optimize your game so it runs at a smooth rate, or this review stays negative.
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Rude 3. nov. 2022 kl. 6.15 