Alex n' Italy
Lazio, Italy
A sh# tty life
A sh# tty self
Living with despair upon despair, you boys and girls
Stand up right now
From the summit of despair mounted high
Show your pride!
Let's go! Despair-summit pride!

Itaku: @alexnitaly
Discord: @alexnitaly
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Afișierul cu ilustrații
H&K G36C Attachment/Gunsmith remaster concept
97 9
Afișierul atelierului
UnturnOut: DUST Unturnout Dust, is a F:NV Dust mod inspired survival map, with a sense of loneliness, destruction and... Dust. Explore the desolate wasteland, with locations to check out, such as: - Buried City (A destroyed, desolate buried city...) - Vaul
24 evaluări
Creat de - Alex n' Italy
gecks 25 mart. la 20:06 
Alex n' Italy 14 febr. la 12:56 
truly a certified classic
✬ omg its justtt Lyssa ✬ 14 febr. la 11:57 
Lello 13 aug. 2023 la 7:40 
It's COOL to be gay!
Post this on the wall of a homosexual friend and tell them how COOL they are :)
Nakaya 13 aug. 2023 la 7:18 
+rep crazy hamburger
Alex n' Italy 27 iul. 2023 la 15:44 
woeisme emoji