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32/32 (100%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

Baba Yaga

Complete the game
Avattu 13.1. klo 20.11

Extensive retelling

Finish all the side quests
Avattu 13.1. klo 9.21

A friend in need...

Befriend either Ant Queen or Mr. Larva
Avattu 13.1. klo 7.19

Awards unwarded

Open every Warden chest
Avattu 12.1. klo 15.30

Always worth a try

Kiss all the toads and take them to the Yard
Avattu 13.1. klo 7.42


Learn all the Gnowlledge
Avattu 13.1. klo 19.00

Witch's cookbook

Learn all the skill recipes
Avattu 13.1. klo 10.24

Both sides

Put all the Lost and Found on the shelf
Avattu 13.1. klo 9.40

Apex predator

Free all the rats
Avattu 13.1. klo 19.13

Mushrooming enthusiast

Defeat every fightable mushroom
Avattu 13.1. klo 9.30


See all the spider logs
Avattu 13.1. klo 19.11

Gold rush

Hunt down a Golden Imp
Avattu 12.1. klo 9.50

The cycle acknowledged

Find the Mushroom Sanctuary
Avattu 13.1. klo 18.52

Spirit animal

Brew every skill of a single Hex type
Avattu 13.1. klo 7.43


Earn either the Ornithologist or the Beekeeper title
Avattu 12.1. klo 13.32


Earn the Queen title
Avattu 12.1. klo 13.14


Earn the Favorite title
Avattu 12.1. klo 12.06


Find every Totem
Avattu 13.1. klo 19.06


Be either as good or as evil as possible
Avattu 12.1. klo 10.26


Turn a blue Vodnik green
Avattu 12.1. klo 12.21

Slavic squatter

Squat many times
Avattu 12.1. klo 9.49

Forbidden techniques

Brew every Special Treat
Avattu 13.1. klo 7.43

Fishing fanatic

Fish out a few fish
Avattu 17.12.2023 klo 10.43

The word around is...

Hear a great lot of bobok gossip
Avattu 12.1. klo 11.12

Liar Liar

Trick the bees
Avattu 17.12.2023 klo 10.09

Bad apple

Poison the hedgehog
Avattu 11.1. klo 11.10

Devil's in the details

Accept Boruta's deal
Avattu 11.1. klo 9.01

Sneak peek

Discover quite a few rose secrets
Avattu 12.1. klo 10.17


Kick a shroomy back into its lair.
Avattu 12.1. klo 14.42


Smash many Root-infested vessels
Avattu 17.12.2023 klo 10.59

Tooth fairy

Collect 20 Teeth
Avattu 17.12.2023 klo 10.27

Dental maturity

Collect 32 Teeth
Avattu 11.1. klo 9.11