Peliaika viimeisen 2 viikon aikana:

Näytä maailmanlaajuiset saavutustilastot
Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
36/38 (95%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

Break Out

Complete the Sand Sliding path
Avattu 20.8.2023 klo 3.52

Find Allies

Discover the Knights' hideout
Avattu 29.8.2023 klo 7.28

Powerful Allies

Gain the Knights' trust
Avattu 31.8.2023 klo 9.31

Calm before the Storm

Enter the Black Alms
Avattu 11.9.2023 klo 8.05

To Battle

Interrupt Thelos' ritual
Avattu 16.9.2023 klo 2.48


Finish the game
Avattu 16.9.2023 klo 2.54

Clear Sight

Clear all watchtowers in the game
Avattu 21.9.2023 klo 9.06

A Taste of Wrath

Defeat the Watcher's Fury for the first time
Avattu 5.9.2023 klo 10.34

The Mentor

Find the prisoner and talk to him in the Wildlands
Avattu 13.9.2023 klo 11.37


Get all weapons
Avattu 20.8.2023 klo 6.26


Find all anvils
Avattu 21.9.2023 klo 11.14


Collect all upgrade shards
Avattu 20.9.2023 klo 12.57


Sand Slide 42.195 KM in total
Avattu 2.9.2023 klo 21.47


Stay in the air for 60 seconds in one go
Avattu 5.9.2023 klo 10.11

Tributes of Caladrias

Collect 10,000 Tributes in total
Avattu 2.9.2023 klo 22.46

Essence Blow

Shatter with a full Momentum Gauge
Avattu 11.9.2023 klo 8.28


Kill 50 Wraiths by shattering them
Avattu 21.9.2023 klo 11.50

Shatter Them All

Shatter 4 Wraiths at the same time
Avattu 11.9.2023 klo 8.24


Slay all Elite Wraiths
Avattu 21.9.2023 klo 11.11

Flawless Victory

Kill a Colossal Wraith without taking damage
Avattu 16.9.2023 klo 13.16

Big Bazar

Find the Travelling Vendor in at least 6 different spots
Avattu 2.9.2023 klo 22.45

Fine Feathers Make Fine Birds

Collect all armours
Avattu 21.9.2023 klo 10.02

Geared Up

Unlock the third and final upgrade of an armour
Avattu 29.8.2023 klo 7.34

All There Is

Unlock and fully upgrade all perks
Avattu 21.9.2023 klo 11.15

Fashion Victim

Dye an armour for the first time
Avattu 20.8.2023 klo 6.26


Collect 30 lore items
Avattu 31.8.2023 klo 9.16

False God

Destroy all Heavenly Shrines
Avattu 21.9.2023 klo 11.27

I Found It

Collect a treasure by following an animal
Avattu 28.8.2023 klo 7.38

All That Gold

Collect all treasure maps AND discover their treasure
Avattu 21.9.2023 klo 11.24


Upgrade an Essence Stone to Rank 7
Avattu 11.9.2023 klo 7.40

Stone Collection

Own 25 Essence Stones
Avattu 3.9.2023 klo 11.28


Kill a Scatterer with its own mines
Avattu 13.9.2023 klo 11.25

The Collector

Collect 50 sellable artefacts in total
Avattu 28.8.2023 klo 7.36

Feeling Fancy

Find all cosmetic items
Avattu 21.9.2023 klo 12.32

A Queen's Tale

Find the Queen's recorded memories
Avattu 20.9.2023 klo 13.41


Find 20 vantage points
Avattu 21.9.2023 klo 10.14


[New_01] Desc


[New_02] Desc