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Publicada: 4 de set. às 16:58

This game is a love letter to platformers, and to science fiction in general.

At first I picked this up because I heard it was something good to scratch the itch of not having a new Ratchet in game in forever. And there are some aspects that do hit that need. But for the most part I enjoyed it as a standalone thing. You can tell the devs put a lot of love into this game. Specifically a lot of their own love for platformers and the overall sci-fi genre.

Does it have some rough edges? Yes. Is the localization a bit dodgy and the story a bit barebones? Yes. People need to remember this is not a AAA game. At the time of this writing it was $20 USD. I still had a ton of fun. Way more than that price point would suggest. And I definitely appreciate that it felt genuinely difficult (not just the combat) in contrast to today's kiddified games.

My one complaint would be the special weapon system. Coins are a bit too stingy so despite getting the 75% of boxes broken achieve I was still way off from affording all upgrades. And not being able to switch between them without visiting a shop sucked too. But mostly, they didn't really feel all that impactfully different from the regular weapons, so I never used them except for an emergency shield.

If you're a fan of platformers, pick this up. You won't regret it.
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