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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
2,205.4 Std. insgesamt (1,141.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
It's alright
Verfasst am 17. März 2024.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
2,232.2 Std. insgesamt (1,966.2 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Two thousand hours. How silly is that? I have spent two thousand hours on this game, but I loved all of it. Garry's Mod started out as an ambitious sandbox game meant to exploit the Source engine and the tools made to interact with it and it only ever grew in ambition. Want to set up a funny scene of G-Man drinking in a bar with Judith Mossman? Do it! Want to build a catapault? Do it! Want to build a giant ambulating mech? Do it!

Want to roleplay with 60 other people? Do it! Want to make barricades and defend yourself against a zombie horde? Do it! Want to play as a group of terrorists trying to deduce who Among Them is a traitor? Do it! Want to build boats and try to destroy others' boats once the water in the room starts to rise? Do it!! There is SO MUCH to Garry's Mod since the game is incredibly, incredibly open to being modded. There is so much to do in Garry's Mod, and basically so many different games that basically only share the same basic firearms and movement mechanics. You don't have to quit Garry's Mod to play something completely different from what you were just doing.

Give Garry's Mod a try. You'll love it. It's a way of life.
Verfasst am 14. Mai 2021.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
654.2 Std. insgesamt (223.5 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Neat game that takes SCP: Containment Breach, and adapts it for multiplayer. For any fan of the SCP universe, you might get a kick out of this game - especially since it's free! - but don't expect too deep a dive into the lore of the universe.

You play as either a Class-D, Scientist, Guard/MTF Agent, Chaos Insurgent, or an SCP. Class-Ds and Scientists spawn in light containment alongside SCP-173, and have to use SCP-914 to convert their items and cards into useful items such as guns and higher-level cards to escape to heavy containment. Light containment features rooms that allow players to scavenge for items, such as the PC room, the armory, the garden "VT" room, and the bathroom. It also contains SCP-012, "A Bad Composition," in its own chamber with a chance for a card and a gun/medicine; SCP-372's chamber "GR 18" which contains lockers and a chance of a spawned gun. SCP-914 has five settings, rough, coarse, 1:1, fine, and very fine which all do different things to you and your items. Try using fine to slowly and safely upgrade your cards and weapons.

To leave light containment, you need any keycard that'll get you through checkpoints, but to leave the facility, you need a keycard that'll get you through Gate A or Gate B in the entrance zone. Make sure to leave in 16 minutes - after that time, light containment is sealed off for "biological decontamination" - which means death.

You have to get through heavy containment to escape. Here, SCP-049, SCP-106, SCP-096, SCP-939, and SCP-079 all spawn, though who spawns is random and depends on server size. These are all player controlled and meant to reflect their role in containment breach. SCP-049 can kill players instantly and revive them into zombies. SCP-106 brings people into his pocket dimension, who can have a slight chance to escape. He can also place down one portal at a time to recall himself to. SCP-096 can go into a rage state once looked at and can see heat signatures of those who killed him. He can right-click on closed solid doors and blast doors to quiet himself. SCP-939 can only see players who are running/sprinting or talking, and can use an alternate voice chat button to talk to human players. SCP-079 is the computer and can control all the doors in the facility, and activate Tesla gates at will. The computer works with an energy and experience system, and can do things such as lock down rooms and turn off the lights to aid SCP-173.

Heavy containment is an important place to have control of. There are five generators that must be activated with tablets to shut off the computer. There is also the nuke control room which allows you to prepare the nuke to be armed, or prevent it from being launched. When the nuke goes off, it seals the entire facility off and kills everyone inside, and leaves the survivors to fight outside. Want to contain SCP-106? Go to his chambers with a Keter-tier card and a sacrificial player. Put them in the chamber and press the big red containment button. It'll remove him from play.

Heavy containment is a good place to pick up some real goodies. The nuke room has one of two armories where you can pick up stuff like grenades, guns, tablets, ammo, and health goods. There's another armory in SCP-049's chamber. To access either armory, you need a keycard with a Level 2 armory access. If you have a scientist keycard, or any keycard with Euclid-tier access, you can open SCP-096's chamber and pick up an MTF Lieutenant keycard, which will give you access to the armories, or a way out. Somewhere, there's a hallway holding the Micro-HID, a powerful electrical weapon that requires a warm-up time before you can use it. It has very limited ammo but can take down any SCP at full health if you're good enough with it. You can only get it if you have a card with Level-3 armory access or a grenade to blow the door open.

Scattered throughout light and heavy containment are pedestals with special SCP items in them. SCP-018 is a bouncy rubber ball that will gain velocity with every bounce. Collisions with the ball can cause damage and break open doors, and it will eventually explode like a grenade. SCP-207 is a bottle of Cola which will make you go faster, but will do damage over time unless you consume SCP-500, "The Panacea," a medical item which will heal you to full health. SCP-268 is a hat you can wear to be invisible for about 15 seconds, but you'll reveal yourself if you shoot your gun or interact with the world in any way.

Guards will spawn in the entrance zone. Their job is to go through heavy, but they're not strong enough to take on any one SCP just yet. They have to be careful and either help scientists out, or detain or kill Class-D personnel, or go to light containment and upgrade their own things. None of the guards can escape with what they have from the start, but they give the MTF/scientist side some good protection along the way.

The entrance zone has some goodies to find in lockers, which will hold cards, ammo, and medical equipment. There is an intercom room which allows any player with an intercom card to enter and broadcast a short message to the entire facility. There are two exits to the surface, Gate A and Gate B. Gate A takes you to the bridge and the outside nuke trigger room, but it has you closer to the Chaos Insurgency spawn. Gate B takes you to the exit for Class-Ds and scientists, but it has you closer to the MTF spawn. Chaos and MTF spawn about every three minutes, though who spawns is completely random.

Here's how the teams work. MTF and Scientists are their own team, and scientists can escape to become MTF. Class-D and Chaos form their own team, and Class-D can escape to become Chaos. However, cuffed scientists can become Chaos, and cuffed Class-D can become MTF. The SCPs are largely their own team but can share a win condition with Chaos if every other team is dead. MTF/Scientists win, and Chaos can win with or without SCPs, but all Class-D must escape.

There are a variety of guns in the game though AT THE TIME OF WRITING THIS, the developers are planning on reworking the guns. There are two pistols, an MP7 style SMG, a P90 style SMG, an AR-16 style rifle, and a heavy machine gun, and these guns grow in damage in the order I wrote out. There is a gun modification system, albeit modest, that lets you place a tablet at Weapons Upgrade Stations placed throughout the facility and change the barrel, sights, and other add-ons. This can affect the damage, firerate, recoil, and more.

Overall, this game is very fun, and I don't foresee myself necessarily stopping playing any time soon, regardless of breaks. The rounds last maybe 20 minutes at most, though most last less. It's always easy to get in a few games. One of the most fantastic things about this game is the PROCEDURAL GENERATION, ensuring no one game plays exactly like the last, and it keeps players on their toes. I don't see any real game-breaking bugs (pardoning one I won't mention) but one of the most important things to remember about any "jank" you may see is that we get to play this for free. It is optional to support the creator and their team.

I definitely recommend this game, it's a very tight little horror/action multiplayer game with a lot of replayability in my opinion.
Verfasst am 14. Mai 2021.
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657.0 Std. insgesamt (516.7 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
By and far one of my favorite games. They've refined the game over the years to make looting more enjoyable, and the physics-based building system has been something I was always fascinated (struggling) with. It's always been fun to build a giant concrete base and exploit the physics to collapse entire regions of earth to make giant holes. The introduction of turrets and the electrical system has made the game a lot more interesting. Gunplay is satisfying, at least against NPCs. The levelling system has seen refinement for better or worse, but hasn't been frustrating to deal with. Random world generation keeps the game fresh.

Gonna be honest, multiplayer has had some issues - at least in the past - with hackers. Private servers have no issue, but public servers that don't keep on top of it may create some issues. A good multiplayer server has ping limits (because cheaters are almost 90% Chinese) and has admins that keep on top of it. It's still entirely possible to have fun on a multiplayer server, though.
Verfasst am 29. Juni 2019.
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6 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
10.3 Std. insgesamt (9.1 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Just got through the campaign in nine hours - and that's WITH revisiting some areas to finish a couple of side quests. That being said, that's how much time you're going to spend on a single play-through. If you're going to do a run with all three characters, and on both normal and heroic difficulties, you're looking at 50 to 60 hours of semi-original gameplay. Coop is something I'd like to do sometime. Maybe that'll add another 20 hours.

Have you guys ever played Lord of the Rings: Third Age? This feels like that game if it were shorter and didn't have turn-based combat.

Really quickly, I'm going to give a run-down of what I definitely do and do not like - spoilers ahead.

I liked the world: The devs of this game did an absolutely outstanding job of creating their world, however stunted it may be in certain areas. Rivendell and Nordinbad were good examples due to how outstanding the architecture was, but the best area for me was the Barrow-downs. They NAILED the atmosphere for that area, and looking out at all the outstanding crags and jagged rocks planted in the rolling green hills gave me chills. Inside Gundabad was epic as well, being able to look across the void and see all these different things going on.

I like the weapon system: There are a bunch of weapons in the game: hand-axes, battleaxes, short swords, long swords, hammers, staffs. You can dual-wield one-handed weapons after unlocking a specific perk thing. While I've only played as the Ranger, there was still a great deal that I could toy with. It seems to be about finding your style, but there's also moving between dual-wielding and broadsword wielding in order to balance damage and speed. Also, weapons break down after time and need to be repaired by a forger.

Similarly, I like the equipment system: Giving yourself the best armor while looking for repairs on what's about to break.

I like how weapons and equipments can be imbued with properties: You know, stuff like ice damage, fire damage, shock damage. Boosts to strength, stamina, health, power. Same kind of gimmick from Skyrim, but executed well here. Some equipment/weapons do not have slots - others have multiple. Fun figuring out what to trade off - damage or health?

I like the checkpoints: almost every level will have checkpoints where you can sell your loot, buy very basic things like weak armor and potions, and you can return to the last safe area (Bree, Rivendell, Nordinbad). Good for getting out if you need and dumping inventory.

I'm conflicted on the lore. I like what it tries to do, especially regarding fallen Dunedain cities and Carn Dum and the dwarves, but it comes off as something that these three characters should not be able to rise up against. Aragorn wants you to defeat Sauron's right hand man, like no big deal champ thanks for the help? Oh wow check out these sick dwarves taking out the whole of Mt. Gundabad with this awesome secret weapon? That's literally Deus ex Machina.

I'm conflicted on the combat. It's monotonous, but the perk(???) system makes it a bit interesting. Once again, that's not something I've fully explored, but it breaks the monotony of LMB spam and the RMB coup-de-grace.

The only real hate I have is for a Mannish faction that follows Agandaur. The grunts of this Mannish faction are overpowered. Their swords extend beyond what their model shows, and they attack FAST. They do not get knocked back. Don't expect an easy one-up over these guys. Spam your special attacks and ranged. Or the devs can fix these guys, whatever.

Can't think of anything else that I really do hate. As a Tolkien fan who wanted more but knew this wasn't canon at all, I give this a 7/10 because I got it on sale. Do not get this at full price.

Verfasst am 25. Mai 2016.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
938.0 Std. insgesamt (705.2 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Don't have Counter-Strike: Source yet? Get it.

Not only is vanilla CS:S worth it, modders have turned this game into something completely different than the product released in 2004. We have surfing, bunnyhopping, zombie modes, deathruns, minigames, a ton of stuff that is very popular and most likely keeping the game alive. You'll always find an active server doing what you want, and you'll find a great community.
Verfasst am 10. Juli 2014.
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814.1 Std. insgesamt (256.2 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Having drained several hours and days into this game, I can comfortably say that this game is one of my favorites. I've installed three single player mods, and all of them have saves running into 1000 in-game days.

Vanilla Mount and Blade: Warband is still, on its own, a great experience if you get into the game. While I was never able to play with a high-tier computer, I was always able to have a firm grasp on whatever I did, from town exploring, sieges, and battles with 100+ AI fighters. Arguably I was attracted to this game by the battles, and my ability to have a good time while doing everything else in the game is what kept me playing. I played with several different factions and I found my niche. However, as my game ran into it's 1000th day, and it's 2000th day, it got boring. I knew what to do, and I knew what I had to do, but it eventually gets monotonous.

Enter the mod community.

I've recently invested in the Diplomacy Mod, and Tocan's Calradia. Both of these mods let me have a ton more fun and put in more time. While there are many more mods out there with much more content, a simple game changer is enough to get yourself going again. I have maybe 7 saves all around with 1500 in-game days logged, and I'll still be playing as I look at more mods. Prophecy of Pendor, Floris, Anno Domini 1257, the Japan mod, the feudal Europe mod, and finally the Napoleonic Wars Mod are all examples of really great mods brought forth by the community, and looking around, everyone can find their own niche with this game as long as they start looking somewhere.

Verfasst am 21. Juli 2013. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 25. November 2013.
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1,791.8 Std. insgesamt (1,719.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Valve's neglect towards the bot situation in TF2 should be a damning reflection on the company.
Verfasst am 3. September 2011. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 4. Juni 2024.
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36 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
4 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
218.9 Std. insgesamt (218.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
INSURGENCY: MIC is a decent HL2 mod that has recently been rebuilt as it's own standalone game. Back around 2010 was arguably the glory days of MIC. Back then, there were always servers up and running, and active clans, and a great community. However, as time went on, more people seemed to stop playing, and client-side modding became more prevalent. This game became ruined as a material hack became popular and more servers failed to enforce sv_pure 1.

I'd say that less than 100 people are ever on at once. Very few servers are ever populated, and even then they're eastern European servers with bad latency and a lacking community. This mod is dying but hopefully it will live on in the standalone.

The game itself isn't too shabby. There's Marines and Iraqi insurgents. Each team has two squads, and each team has a few specialty weapons such as the RPG-7 or M16 with grenade launcher. The game comes with maps that are all well made and provide a good atmosphere. A fairly popular map was a rehash of de_dust2 from CS:S. Weapons damage is more realistic, and there's no crosshairs. The game is more immersive than Counter-Strike: Source and typical last-gen FPS games.

7/10 for nostalgia, but I'm not going to sink any more time into this one.
Verfasst am 26. Dezember 2010. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 25. November 2013.
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Ergebnisse 1–9 von 9