Timothy D Lake   Dayton, Ohio, United States
I was born in 1978, and I live in Dayton, OH. I'm a musician, a writer, and a gamer. I'm currently switching up the games I'm playing. I'm especially trying to git gud at FROM Software games. I switch this profile up every six months or so, but my personal info will stay the same. Feel free to hit me up.

From the pain come the dreams.

All my pieces set me free, human devices set me free.

Ad Astra Per Aspera
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Beat this one. I didn't find everything, but I got most of it.
Mournblade 8 июн в 17:58 
I'm going to be changing the games I play again. I need to branch out and try something besides CRPG's for a while. One thing I'm focusing on is FROM Software games. I won't be on every day, but I will be here! :spg2anarchy: :steamhappy:
Mournblade 16 авг. 2023 г. в 18:02 
Yes! I'm going to download the complete Baldur's Gate 3 and start playing! As usual, I can't play a game when everyone else is playing it. :tank:
Mournblade 4 фев. 2023 г. в 18:08 
Bored again! I'm just playing around with things. Do I keep the clever screen name? So far I've got ghostking to mornblade to mentatim.
Mournblade 20 июл. 2022 г. в 20:11 
I'm making some changes to my profile and the games that I'm playing. I just get bored! :steambored:
Mournblade 1 сен. 2019 г. в 12:46 
I'm going crazy on Battletech and Stellaris, so if I'm playing I'll be in those games. Hit me up! :War: :kurita: :horns:
>KILO_ 29 окт. 2018 г. в 20:36 
hey man message me if you ever wanna game on some co op games :Emoticon_Kagura: