Kuba   United States
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Hunt 6 Feb, 2018 @ 7:06pm 
Hello am 48 year man from somalia. Sorry for my bed england. I selled my wife for internet connection for play "legend league" and i want to become the goodest player like you I play with 400 ping on brazil server and i am challenger 2. pls no copy pasterino macarino dongerino my story.
✪Chief Code 26 Jun, 2016 @ 8:19pm 
i kent beliv that dere r peopel lik this man aloude onn ur syte, he i so meen to tim that we all most hert ouselv he alway kno wher de enemeez at and den he rag like crazE when we cant control sprA but like men u de juan haxing here i dont unnastand how dis is fare 4 him 2 do dis he always lower quality of gam for my whole squad i meen we work hard on csgo but it hard to be so good as this obveeous haxing for exampl i play on steam control okay so it moar lik the nintendo 64 dat i used to plA mareeo kaaart on and so i hav to play on Enverted so i can aem down fer de sprA and it hard to mak dat werk so he kant be dat mad i meen i trI so haed and he only roast me like he think it funny to make fun of a keed lik me i undR seeereousss anxiettyy now bc ths ideoht is haxing and rage at me and my boys ken u guys ples just ban this men it onlE tak a few minits of yoor tyme but it kud sAv mI lif juan day
✪Chief Code 26 Jun, 2016 @ 6:44pm 
men u tink u seen it all after iBuyPower trew dere games to cheet and make munE of bet. I tel u u never evr seen noting like u see here. Dis men heet every human been troo walls and doors and crates and bawkses and rayles and trees and bushes and every udder ting that u can walbange in de gayme i men i kood blindfold hem in gayme and he still het dank shoots. I seen hem hop arownd like he a freaking kangaroo or sumting i sware it craze KQLY hav noting on dees ♥♥♥♥♥ like de only ting he kent do is aymbot wit negev and i men he trow and trol too lik i sware he hak liek noting i evr seen i oly ever played juan video gayme befoR and dat was Pong bak in de day and no won ever hack on dat it was soo seemple and i try to play sum faceot but ofcourse hax i done i so done i promes i know gabe newell in reel life if u dont start ban idots like des i weill get him to sue you companee so hard ur pants will fall of.
✪Chief Code 26 Jun, 2016 @ 6:40pm 
o may god ness men this gay needs to get da ban so bad you wont beliv me when i tall yo wat he did like dude its freaking imbarrising u lets gays like dis on u wevsite. O,K this is wvat happind i twas plain mirage it was da 4 round ants i had justice bourgt me avp and had me trusty deag as bakup i rusheded downs tha dusty pathes as fastest as i could so i can get forst peek u no bc i needs it for a batter chance to win da round so here i wasith peekin mid with me avp i unfortunaltly miss ferst ♥♥♥♥ on gay window i try to move to me laft butt their hi is standing in me wave to gets to saaffty oh my man dis dude freaking body blacked me and gots me killded it swas the warst days of me lyfe FIX UR FREKING WVERSITTE
✪Chief Code 26 Jun, 2016 @ 6:32pm 
men i never herd tings like i herd frum dis ♥♥♥♥♥♥ lik its craze this men sad so mene tings that r so bad dat my mum wood keel me if i ever sad sum of de tings that dis man sad in de gaem we playde earleer he mak on of my frends so sad that he turn to beeting his meet in de temspek to calm downe lik how wood u feel if friend beet his meet in de skype cal wit u i men it just groos at tat poynte com on faceit u ken do betr dan dis lik no wondr fpl is a faleure no one want to play in gam where toxic pepel like dis make u loose youer mynd i men dis man must of bin dronk when he play becaus i never seen someting dis bad eye promes u facet if u ban ideots liek dis from ur website u can bring fpl and rest of facet bak to glory
✪Chief Code 26 Jun, 2016 @ 6:23pm 
oh man dont evan gets mi starteded wit dis man he freaking shot many of human beans throw the wall he made it vary unpleadsent for everyone ialse in da vedao gum he made my bestedest friend comute suiceides bc he was nuts having fun i sall it happen he first jumped off his house than when dat didnnt wark he crabed hes compuuter and smushed his head into it man that mad me sad bc i woulded has used it afffer he kills him sellf but it ho k man bc i gots a news one but baack to da points of this men botjo he frickin steal all of dem kills and nuts save anys for us i mad bro like dude comb on men are u (defuse)kitting me wit dis wevsite u raning its treivle i quit dats da wast stall bye 3 ever