Dom C   London, City of, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
AKA Will Bevan AKA Massive Noob Dom

Old account
isaac 2021年3月2日 14時45分 
ur cute
fdsa 2018年1月31日 10時08分 
H-hey DomgledKupo-Chan. It's me Phim-kun! I know you don't know me that well, I sit in the column closest to the door and in the back row. Oh yeah, duh... LoL, we have Chemistry together with Ms. Raphatello. Ughh, she's such a b****! Anyways I'm being such a baka (LoL that's Japanese for idiot!). Oh, do you like Anime too? I'm sure if you gave it a chance you would too if you don't already watch it ~_~. I always look at you in Chemistry and you never seem to notice me... BAHHH WHAT AM I DOING?!?! GOMENASAI DomgledKupo-chan (gomenasai means sorry in Japanese ^.^). Just wanted to say hello and I really love your page! Good luck DomgledKupo-Chan!
fdsa 2017年1月4日 17時00分 
hey man plz u can add me on steam ill give u good skins :D