alana bawana iwanna shamma lamma ding dong d\ck   Atlanta, Georgia, United States
People, don't look at each other as Black and White, look at each other as Light and Dark. Be sensitive, today!

And you can throw rocks from your house of glass; It aint no skin off of my ass!

My sweet ass!
My sweet ass!
My sweet ass!
I love my ass!
My sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet ass...
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Universal Dorks 23 Jun 2010 @ 3:56am 
No problem at all :) Thanks for BioShock, it's probably my favorite FPS of all time LOL. Hope it makes up for the Borderlands blunder (I swear I had no idea!) and hope to see you on some online races!
Universal Dorks 25 Mei 2010 @ 2:04am 
Fun times in co-op for Borderlands! Sorry for being such a noob LOL! Hit me up anytime if you want to co-op some more, I should be getting the DLC soon (but Alpha Protocol might eat away at my play time haha).