Too Dizzy
too dizzy to do anything properly ..:cool_seagull:
#nothacker #hackerisnoob #trolllord :steammocking:
:csgoskull:SCAMMER DONT ADD PLS :csgoskull:
P.S : not interested on skin trading, those i have is not extras. TQ :steammocking::steamhappy:

Currently Offline
Artwork Showcase
Mash Burnedead Dance
Screenshot Showcase
Dante duin MJ Dance .. XD
Screenshot Showcase
wow! pick of the day~ yay~!
2 3
Video Showcase
Too Dizzy Ninja Mode Activated @ CS2
1 2
apple 28 Feb @ 4:15am 
"February has come to an end, and tomorrow marks the start of a new month. I hope you've achieved all your goals this month, and for my Muslim friends, I wish you more joyful and fulfilling iftars. To my non-Muslim friends, I wish you good health and happiness. Remember, 'Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.' May this new month bring new opportunities, growth, and blessings to everyone!"
Wakjim 21 Feb @ 9:29am 
───▄▄██▌█ BEEP BEEP
apple 20 Feb @ 2:34am 
Don't Change for Others, JUST BE URSELF<3
apple 31 Jan @ 5:26am 
It is the end of January 2025, I hope you have already archieve your Goals for this month. Also, your health is very important so stay safe. Hardwork beats Talent.
MitcH` 21 Jan @ 11:11pm 
im dizzy when im facing you in game ! im over dizzy when im team with u as well hahahaha .. nice one bruh ..
Sora 21 Jan @ 6:46am 
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....\   ヽノ /  ■ ▂▅██▅▆▇██■〓▀▀ ◥◣ ∴ ▪ . +REP
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.....∪     (  \
Very good teammate and Humble guy