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BottomFragger 24 Apr @ 4:40am 
If it was possible to mass produce iron, somebody would have figured it out by now. We are living at the pinnacle of humanity. Be grateful for what we have, we've come so far since the hunter gatherer times. The so-called "Iron Age" of the future is just a science fiction fantasy.
BottomFragger 24 Apr @ 4:40am 
I hate to break it to y'all, but Iron is never going to replace Bronze. First of all, there's just not enough iron. Its only usable form is found in rare lumps that we don't know the source of. (Some say that they fall from the sky as a gift from the gods, but this has not been verified). These lumps are not large enough to work into anything much larger than a dagger, so we wouldn't be able to use it to replace all of bronze's uses even if it fell from the sky like rain. Secondly, fire just isn't hot enough to fully melt iron, just to soften it, so that also limits what we can do with it. Some have suggested extracting iron from impure sources in rocks, but that would require an even more impossibly hot fire, plus other processes we wouldn't even know, and only the gods would have the ability to perform. The thing is, we've had metallurgy for two thousand years, with many generations of smiths dedicating their whole lives to mastering and improving it.
RΞBΞCCA ⁧⁧ ✔ 15 Mar @ 1:58pm 
if you can read this ur mom gey
RΞBΞCCA ⁧⁧ ✔ 26 Feb @ 7:14pm 
Linkguy 20 Apr, 2023 @ 9:17am 
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RΞBΞCCA ⁧⁧ ✔ 20 Jan, 2023 @ 8:47am 