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Conan Exiles
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KrushTarach 1 Jan, 2022 @ 12:27pm 
In my 7+ Years McDonalds career i always worked hard and tried to make the best burgers. i personally believe that burgers have the power to change the world, you don't know it but when u eat a good burger your brain instantly starts bursting dopamine like crazy, the more you eat of a good burger the more you want more of it, after eating at least two burgers you'd already contracted ADDICTION to my burgers, now you are my burger minion, i can command you to do whatever i wish, my plan was to take over the world governments by creating a massive revolt with my burgers influence over people, but As of now at least, current workforce doesn't fit this principle. not to mention that my manger is being an A$$hat recently, and with that, McDonalds is unable/unwilling to make changes to fit that goal. so my plan is put on pause for the time being.
WHISKEY 2 Nov, 2020 @ 2:47pm 
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🚫ERROR!🚫 💯True💯 Brothers of Islam are irreplaceable ☪I could never delete you Brother!💖 Send this to ten other 👪Mujahideen👪 who would give their lives for ﷲAllahﷲ Or never get called ☁️Brother☁
Detlef Fickermann 16 Jun, 2019 @ 7:56am 
< ̄`ヽ、       / ̄>
 ゝ、  \ /⌒ヽ,ノ  /´
   ゝ、 `( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) /
     >     ,ノ