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0.0 tuntia kahden viime viikon aikana / yhteensä 202.5 tuntia (114.7 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Julkaistu: 7.10.2020 klo 17.57

God this game is one hell of a ride. The gameplay is ok for 2012, but it's strongest point is definitively it's social links/story.

I am usually one of the guys that hates "must protect" characters (Nanako). But this game made me care for her anyways. Same for everyone else, i don't think there is a single character i can say i hate after playing.
The game might be 80-hours-ish. But it sure as hell knows what to do with every single minute. From the amazing music to crying over the sadness and well being of fictional characters. If you have 80 hours, it's completely worth it.

Again, it's weak point may be it's actual gameplay/fighting. It has a nice twist with extra attacks if you find the enemy's weakness. but it rarely gets any more complex than that. Persona fusion system works fine, and i don't ask anything else out of it.

As for the plot. in my opinion, it felt pretty smooth. from beginning to end. This journey to find the truth has been amazing. The game knows how to balance tension and funny bits. A new game plus is recommended for a perfect second run to see most of the content, as i doubt many would get the true ending in their first run without outside hints.

Note: 80 hours is the total avarage time after doing one clean and one NG+ run. My first blind run was 55 hours-ish, and my NG+ with only not skipping unseen content was much faster, at 25/30 hours.
Also, NG+ Feels right, you keep your conpendulum, stats, money, and unlocked equipment. So you have even more time to max out links.

Overall. Although the journey may be long, i believe it to be rewarding. Like i said before, if you have the time. play it. It certainly is an experience i can't fully describe with words, and one you have to see for yourself

Now, what you all want to see:
Best Boy: Naoto
Best Bro: kanji
Best Girl: Chie no question

Die in a fire: Rise, i swear i'll file a complain for sexual harassment jesus christ, like i don't hate her but jesus stop being so horny all the time please.
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