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Indsendt: 21. mar. kl. 11:06

I see now why people consider this the best of the 4 games, it definitely deserves the title.

Arkham City is a significant improvement over its predecessor, Arkham Asylum in several ways:

Combat: Arguably its more prominent upgrade, the combat as been expanded greatly, Asylum only allowed to use 2 gadgets mid combat, City allows for nearly all of them, greatly expanding your options, theres also new enemy times to further expand it, and it feels really smooth to play, unlike Asylum that was more stiff, boss fights were also considerably better for the most part, with this game having arguably the best boss fight in the franchise on a game of "cat and mouse"

Stealth: While not on the same level, it was expanded as well, with more dangers to deal with, such as mines around the area, enemies being able to look for you on gargoyles with thermal vision and even the ability to hinder the Detective Vision, making these sections harder and more interesting, making you having to rely on your tools a lot more to compensate the upgraded enemies.

Map: Second most significant upgrade, City goes from the corridors and room from Asylum to an open world map, and the way Gotham is presented is stellar with its Gothic design, neon lights and covered in snow, to compensate the size of the map, Batman's mobility was also expanded, with him being able to dive allowing to quickly reach the ground or use it to boost his speed and altitude, he also gets a new tool being the Grapple Boost, allowing himself to launch himself after using the Grapple Hook, for speed, overall, travelling the map feels good.

This game also allows to play as Catwoman in the story mode, and her gameplay is different from Batman's but still good, and in challenge mode Robin and Nightwing are included, all 4 characters having their own tools and styles, which allow for lots of replayability in these Challenge Mode.

Despite its gameplay being nearly flawless, City still falls short in certain areas, primarily the story, its a bit of a mess and sometimes unfocused, since it deals with two plots at the same time, which have no real connection with one another, which can affect the pacing.

Some side quests werent that great either, one in particular being the Acts of Violence, which is just saving random people getting beat up, and nothing comes from it, or Bane's that kinda ends on a whimper.

And Riddler... yeah this is where it starts getting bad, and it gets worse every entry, youll expend some time finding all those trophies.

Regardless of these issues, overall, City is still the strongest Arkham game, and definitely a game i recommend to anyone.

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