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게시 일시: 2024년 5월 19일 오후 8시 46분

Its a cute game, the game clearly takes inspiration from the likes of Stray and Goose Game, i wouldnt say it manages to live up to either though.

Most of the game is centered around platforming and doing side activities, such as catching birds or breaking stuff, theres a few quests that have you travel around the city and solve some puzzles to complete them, which is when the game is at its best.

The movement could use some work, more specifically the jumping, which i think could use some polish, but the game plays well for the most part

Like i said, earlier, this game doesnt really do much to stand out compared to its two main inspirations, it doesnt really have the charm of Stray or the puzzle variety of Goose Game, but its still a game you can play for a few hours, it isnt very long, maybe around 4 hours if youre going blind and try to do everything.

I would still recommend it if its your type of game, but i still firmly believe Stray is the better "Cat game" with Goose Game having better puzzles.

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