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Zinkr7x 님이 최근에 작성한 평가

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기록상 317.1시간
Game concept is fun and if it were just a regular kart racer it would be fun, but ignore all of that, it's a completely Pay 2 Win live service game, and comes with far too many negatives, and will punish you as F2P, and will also punish you as a paid player. Every season they introduce a change that screws you over as both. I play Honkai Star Rail and Genshin Impact too, also both live service games that will charge you like a $100 for maybe a character you want, and both of those games are more fun and generous than this one. It's not just that live service games are bad, they are both examples of what a fun live service game can look like, this is just an extremely bad live service game.
The frequent changes has resulted in numerous players leaving, they have a very low player count across all devices. They are struggling. From the changes they are making, they are desperate for money, and all of this leads me to believe the game is a live service money sink that is just in the red in terms of profits, no matter what community tells you about whales keeping the game alive. They cannot be with the changes Gameloft makes. I can't imagine this game is going to survive much longer, even though we know roughly 5 more seasons of content coming out.
Do yourself the biggest favor, ditch this. There are some very good things about this game, and they use it to kind of pull you into and ignore the plethora of greedy issues and trikc you into spending money, and then even if you do spend money on the game, Gameloft will make a change that will screw you later. Don't play this game, and in my honest opinion, add Gameloft as a company you do not play from.
And just as an edit, it's too expansive to go into each wrong thing that has happened with this game, every season there's a new negative change which they try to hide with changes that seem good. This season they introduced two season passes with half the time for each, but more rewards, and you can buy each individually. Sounds kinda good? This has actually devalued season pass credits people purchases ages ago for their season passes, and along with this change, you can no longer pay prenium currency for the pass, whether you paid for it earnt it for the next season pass- you now have to buy it directly, that currency is almost worthless now since it was mainly used for the season pass. Some people paid for that currency early on too to use on the season pass and have just been saving it, and now they cannot buy the season. This is today's flavor of punishing both paid and f2p flavors, but they do it each season. It would take too much of my time to find and type out everything, and as you can see, I already wasted so much time. Don't waste any of yours.
2024년 4월 9일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 4월 9일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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2명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 1.8시간
We'll just cut to the chase. Speed Limit is a gorgeous Run and Gun arcade game that's both insanely fun and quite challenging. The game itself is pretty standard for games of this genre. What sets it apart from anything else that compares to it is its stunning visuals. The visual presentation is so amazing here I'd argue it's probably the best looking indie game you'll see in 2021 period.
It's not all visuals for this game either, although I'd describe it as pretty standard, the gameplay is quite fun! It constantly changes to a different type of run and gun as you play, changing up the visuals and the gameplay style that the game never feels stale as you play through it. Although challenging, the game pulls of an amazing feat of never feeling unfair as you die, I was never frustrated, with sole exception unfortunately of the final stage, which has some tedium to it as you die that kinda killed the mood of how fun the game was up to that point. I won't spoil what it is, and mayhaps it was because we began on Normal as opposed to Easy. Still, I think that's a slight bump on an otherwise great game.
I would like you to take a look at most reviewers gameplay time. Most of them are about 2 hours. That's about what I'd expect the average playtime to be for everyone, and it's likely a one and done game for most people. This is a $10 game, and for any other game I'd argue that's a steep price for that much playtime, but the visual presentation here I think more than justifies that price point; it's that strong. I got it for free, but I would have gladly paid $10 for this, easy. Still, some of you may wish to wait for a sale before buying if that amount of gameplay is not ideal, but I implore you to keep this game wishlisted and check it out later down the line then. I highly recommend this game even at the $10 though. You can tell a lot of time, effort, and love went into this game, and it speaks so clearly here, well worth the price.
If you're interested in checking out some gameplay, we did some for our let's play channel so you can preview what Speed Limit is like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poTnI5cxf_s&ab_channel=Speletons
2021년 2월 17일에 게시되었습니다.
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2021년 2월 18일 오전 4시 52분 에 개발자가 답변함 (답변 보기)
2명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 2.6시간 (평가 당시 2.2시간)
Very fun strategy deck builder with a unique approach and pretty good story with a sometimes brutal dose of realism. Played a hour for Youtube purposes, but we kept going as it was quite fun and addicting. I'm only at 2 hours as of writing this, so unsure how much more game there is, but I feel you'll get your money's worth from what I saw.
Gamepad isn't supported (at least not suitably enough) yet as of writing this review, game states that it is something that is actively being worked on. You'll need Keyboard and Mouse for the time being.
2021년 1월 19일에 게시되었습니다.
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3명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 0.1시간
Uninteresting easy trivia game where most of the answers are true.
Seriously you can click true the first 7 times and those first 7 will be right 95% of the time.
2016년 9월 25일에 게시되었습니다.
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