4 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
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0.0 tuntia kahden viime viikon aikana / yhteensä 622.3 tuntia (16.3 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Julkaistu: 21.12.2019 klo 18.23
Muutettu 7.8.2023 klo 16.04.

The game just feels like watching a screen and doing nothing. There isn't a feeling of interaction. I don't feel like I'm doing anything when playing Rimworld.
Just watching like two character variants creating boxes to put stuff in, and then for it to all get destroyed.

Organ harvesting, creating human machines, enslaving tribals and natives are all nice and fun sounding, but Rimworld somehow makes that boring by just making it look visually dull.

The DLCs feel shallow and almost useless, but somewhat required. The only thing that remotely keeps this game together is mods, as otherwise it just feels like shallow.

Edit: I've gone back and played again. It took so long to grasp the progression of the game and I've finally understood it. Then the events happen man. Why are there so many insane events. I don't think it's *just* the mods. I get basic events of one or two raiders pretty often, and then I get such an insane event that just wipes me or I barely recover by save scumming every action. I went for a very easy narrator setting, but it seems like there's no recovering and it's infuriating trying to cobble things together.

And why? Because I like building things so it sends my colony wealth through the roof. But buildings don't break often, so I'm not losing enough wealth to reduce the events.
My options for changing the difficulty is either make the danger nonexistent or find more ways to cheese and exploit the system. Neither are fun.

It's my understanding that rimworld is a pretty broken and ♥♥♥♥♥♥ game that people find one or two events in it and turn it into an exciting story to tell others and advertise the game. Other people's imagination make the game look good. Not the game.
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