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0.9 hrs on record (0.4 hrs at review time)
It's an interesting little game that's fun to try. It's unfortunate that the campaign is pretty randomized so on the second mission my 10 swordsman and 10 bowman are forced to engage 40 dire wolves and just die. And then another time of 50 goblins. UI and controls are pretty clunky and bareboned. Like really so. I mess up a lot of first battles and want to just restart. The only option is to wait, concede match, get GAME OVER screen, wait, then make a new campaign. Sometimes it's just faster to force exit the game then load it back up and start a new campaign that way. Cool to try atleast.
Posted 17 July. Last edited 17 July.
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0.0 hrs on record
Genuinely a great way to add DLC content and good content too. Majority of it won't be activated (besides some new basic raids) until an object is interacted with by the player. Then the good music starts whenever a DLC event happens. Some people complain about how many anomaly events happen back to back, and that seems somewhat true. I've had a weather event, then a raid, then a night event, then the terrain opening up, then another raid within the fifteen days. Maybe the dlc is favored by certain narrators, but I enjoy them atleast.

The music is my favorite part. Love each one of the tracks. As soon as the monolith activates, a good taste of what is going to be heard for the rest of the play through starts.

I just overall enjoy this dlc.
Posted 13 June.
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49.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
A nice demo to give an idea what the game is about. The general concept is entertaining with how a fleet can be built, however it's pretty strained by the more difficult areas. What amounts to a 'campaign' is just increasingly difficult areas full of ai ships that scale from basic cannon shooter full of weakpoints to giant U that shoots 100 nukes. It's not great.

The game feels more focused on the pvp aspect while the singleplayer is pretty barren. Kill ai ships to get money, acquire better blueprints, make your ship, and move to the next area to repeat. I don't really care for the pvp as generally it's super meta kite ships or star fortresses shooting overwhelming firepower.

COOP is pretty interesting and enjoyable. Friends can join, be given a ship, leave and it is given back to you. Just watch out as any ships left behind traversing from one system to another are abandoned. Mods are also great for adding in free content.

Overall interesting and I hope to see it again in a year when it has accomplished some tasks on the stretchgoals.
Posted 25 May.
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184.3 hrs on record (109.9 hrs at review time)
Barotrauma is a great game. It's a game meant for playing long campaigns with friends, or one off missions with strangers. I will say trying to do a singleplayer campaign is absolutely not what the game is about and you miss a lot of the atmosphere you get with others around.

The game is atmospheric. It can be quiet at points and interesting while smoothly sailing the waters and listening to music. Suddenly a swarm attacks and all things go to ♥♥♥♥ real quick. Also having to leave the submarine for any number of reasons can be quite intimidating. Rarely are you equipped enough to handle the outside threats.

Playing with even one other friend adds a lot, communication is honestly preferred not through the game, even if it sounds cool using the headsets. Having a few bots to handle the automating of repairs is the way to go. They are good at manning turrets, repairing equipment and hull breaks, and being quick to spot issues. They can't pilot, they can't operate the reactor, and they are pretty wasteful medics. You're also not going to get much help when outside the submarine with them.

Playing with strangers is generally less impactful and more about the wacky moments. Some people enable traitor mode and don't know how to do it tactfully so they just blow up the ship.
Posted 10 June, 2023.
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7.8 hrs on record (7.3 hrs at review time)
Genuinely would love the game if it wasn't for horrible controls and how unfair the ai can be. No matter what, any mission that isn't versus the zombies ends within a minute of the ai sending a swarm of troops and walking turrets that have insane sight.
The AI in this game has the issue of older rts games, where it simply knows everything and do everything. It isn't able to pretend otherwise. I would enjoy it with friends but just about every one of them plays it for roughly fifteen minutes and find the controls old and unbearable.
Posted 25 May, 2023.
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53.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Yet another game ruined by developers listening to a small, extremely vocal minority who wanted the game to be more difficult. Not surprised really. Population drops, a small group asks for more difficulty, more 'Hardcore pvp risks!', developers listen. People don't want hardcore pvp and leave, small group demands more, and developers listen in confusion. Death spiral for just about every pvp oriented game.

All I wanted was to drive land ships around and explore, and fight a few people in pvp specific tiles. You got that part right, but you had to listen to a few shmucks and make the game so insufferable I can't even get back into the game anymore.

Why do I have to hunt down one time use schematics to make basic tools, backpacks, and even my walker? I do not have the time or inventory space to hold onto 100 schematic items in case i need to craft something. And not being able to log off safely but now i have to manage a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ base that can attacked very easily. This isn't rust or conan, please just go back to nomadic ways.
Posted 8 January, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
3.3 hrs on record
Could not imagine making a game just to make some stupid stand no one cares about and watch his work just crumble underneath him. All the while, the developer bans people from forums and discussions for even slightly disagreeing with him.

Even after that, complaining to steam about customer reviews negatively impacting his game, like saying ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ wouldn't cause that to happen. Man, you're not allowed on Epic, removed your game from Steam, and still think you're in a winning position. Flail and rant about the very community you built hating you, I won't even wish you good luck.

I'm not even sure how my review was removed but here's a smaller one just to keep it there.
Posted 2 September, 2022.
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12 people found this review helpful
4.7 hrs on record (4.2 hrs at review time)
As great as it looks, Flowscape is very limiting in what it can do. The minimum size of models is still pretty large. Map sizes are fixed and small. Painting the terrain is almost nonexistent. If you have any hope of doing more then a tiny island on the water or one view of a scenic location then go for it, but it's a very limited program that has no future of further developments. There's plenty of technical difficulties and limitations and the developer has had life problems and shows no signs of improving.
Posted 11 June, 2022.
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17.8 hrs on record (6.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Super on the fence about this one. Progression is very heavily put through chokepoints and railroaded. Can't unlock tech without killing bosses that are in very specific points on the map. So pvp ganking is abundant and usually higher level players sit in lower areas.

Crafting is also very slow, I usually just farm up a lot and put them in craft stations then log off. It feels very mobile like. Upgrading comes to an absolute halt until certain bosses are beaten to unlock how to craft a key ingredient. So there's no over preparing. Have to fight on the game's terms. Nevermind that certain bosses will randomly patrol and can walk from very high level areas to beginner areas. I have a boss that constantly patrols another boss's area, and I can't even track him he's so high level. ♥♥♥♥ you vampire hunter for being level 46 in a level 20 area.
Many of the boss fights don't feel enjoyable to fight. One of them sets poison snare traps, teleports away, and has a fifteen second invulnerability spell. Most of them have some form of AOE that's usually right on top of them. Way too much time is spent watching bosses just 'do their thing' while peppering them with one or two missile abilities every ten seconds.

I enjoy the game as a survival, and building when I can is great, but man do I feel like I can't do it my way.
Posted 29 May, 2022. Last edited 29 May, 2022.
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68.6 hrs on record (44.9 hrs at review time)
I cannot believe I bought the game when the plan to actually add content and introduce the other half is going to be next year. I played total warhammer 1 like crazy in the first year, I played total warhammer 2 almost as much. I think I am sticking to 2 for another year.

I come back and see a horrendous statement by the staff:
"The right to discuss is a privilege—it is not an entitlement you earn by playing the game"

This sounds like some insane philosophy someone that doesn't care about their customers would say. Which has already been proven that CA does feel that way. Not buying anything from CA ever again.

They have also threatened to kill total warhammer 3 if DLCs did not make enough sales. Very cool, CA!
(Evidence of the statements): https://steamproxy.net/app/1142710/discussions/0/3873718133746831966/
Posted 1 May, 2022. Last edited 23 December, 2023.
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