Alex   Berlin, Berlin, Germany
who want to trade click here https://steamproxy.net/tradeoffer/new/?partner=322831523&token=8wiiC5qo
I'm adding a few people , if you good player , I may be add you
I never trade my desert eagle crimson web , ak 47 elite build , glock , p2000 and five seven
never cheating in cs:go
I have only 2 accs if you see nick name zhuk more , IT'S FAKE my 2 acc is smurf if you want play with me add me there on 2 acc me, so add there http://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198339550858
my acc withhttp://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198339550858 source and 1.6
on this moment on this account LE - legendary eagle
my skype : zhuk gaming
Max rank ~ The global elite , I got global on tied
age : 14
i sold my main (300$)
from - germany , Moved to russia (Moscow)
my Default ping is 40-70
my Default fps is 250-300
My favorite moment of pro ~ https://youtu.be/dg6TQy6pGfs
Starting to play in cs go ~ 2013
Favorite songs - NF ~ on another level , Zarra Larsson ~ ain't my fault
Favorite game ~ CS:GO
Hater game ~ Dota 1 2 3 .....
Rank after the very first collation - mg (1)
I'm up global 1 time in life 2015 it was perfect!!! :-)
experience in cs 1.6 - 4 years
exeperience in cs sourse - 3.7
My keyboard - is bloody b120 turbo
My monitor - is benq G222OHD
My rug - is Razer Firefly Cloth Edition
Razer Firefly Cloth Edition
My mouse - is bloody a91
16:9 1680:1050
sensitivity 4.08
-novid -tickrate 128 -freq 75 -threads 4
thats all about me and my cs config
Good bye good luck and have fun in real life guys
MAYEBE see you are later
Currently Offline
1 game ban on record | Info
2732 day(s) since last ban
Kyubaa 13 Nov, 2017 @ 9:43am 
signed by Kyubaa :BuffaloofLies:
Money gas 4 Nov, 2017 @ 12:58am 
Wolf231 4 Oct, 2017 @ 12:25pm 
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)) 3 Oct, 2017 @ 10:18am 
+rep тащер
nムthing else 18 Sep, 2017 @ 5:44am 
sam su4ka :steamhappy:
EnergyDess 8 Sep, 2017 @ 12:44pm 
With LOVE, From EnergyDess:B1: