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Effigy szept. 2., 13:27 
Still yappin
Blahaj Blast szept. 1., 23:53 
Didn't turn off commenting, just blocked you when I realized you were literally a child, you got school today bro get to bed
Effigy szept. 1., 23:43 
scared old man, deletes my comments and turns off commenting on his account to prevent him from falling into a coma
Blahaj Blast szept. 1., 23:20 
Oh sorry my bad I didn't know this entire time I was talking to a child lmao, you were probably 10 when dbd dropped huh.
Effigy szept. 1., 23:10 
Old Deranged Hermit man doesn't know how spell baja blast correctly and gets mad in my comments :angryrandy:
Blahaj Blast szept. 1., 23:04 
I was downing you quick every chase except at the end because the match was just over lmao