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kayıtlarda 62.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 7.4 saat)
All the people who are saying this is Final Fantasy Tactics are correct... to a point. I'd more call it "Diet Final Fantasy Tactics".

It certainly goes for FFT tone-wise, its story campaign featuring a storyline rife with conspiracy and mystery, and I consider that a point in its favor. The party system is also great; So many classes are available for each of your party members that no two playthroughs need be alike.

Graphically, it's... decent. The game has a good graphical style, and I like the degree of customization they allow you in being able to change the look of your generic units. However, many of the attacks and special effects that go off when you use abilities are a bit underwhelming, especially in comparison to its muse.

Soundwise, the game is also decidedly... decent. A few of the tunes are hummable, but most tend to fade into the background, though I couldn't really pinpoint any songs that I'd consider bad, either. Sound effects could have used to stand out a bit more, but they're adequate.

The gameplay is where it falls a bit short of its muse. The game makes notable effort to ape Final Fantasy Tactics' mechanics, and you see some of that here on display, but there are two glaring simplifications from its Final Fantasy Tactics inspiration:
1) As long as your target is in range of your attack/ability, it will always reach its target. Even if it makes sense that another creature or bit of terrain would block your shot, it just doesn't.
2) There are no casting delays to any abilities no matter how strong they are; every ability happens immediately.
This definitely removes a lot of strategy involving the positioning of units on the battlefield, and somewhat cheapens the experience, though it is still a fairly enjoyable one overall.

While I certainly have some gripes with the game, they aren't enough to keep me from recommending it to others who are wanting something more in the veins of Final Fantasy Tactics. It certainly lives up to the name far more than Final Fantasy Tactics Advance ever did.
Yayınlanma 6 Nisan 2020.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 6.5 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 1.3 saat)
Resembles the classic Castlevanias before Symphony of the Night made the Metroidvania-style episodes popular. If you like those types of Castlevania, you'll reasonably like this game. The gameplay is top notch and controls as well as any Castlevania game before it. I used an XBox Controller to play, and had no complaints about the controls. It does have the typical Castlevania quirks -- minimal aerial jumping control, the odd stairways, the inability to attack upwards without a subweapon -- so if you aren't used to these, they may be a bother, but should still be workable. I was used to these quirks as a long-time Castlevania player. The characters were intuitive to play, and each had their way to do certain things, with some abilities absolutely needed to advance in certain paths (which makes it really suck when the character you need is dead and you're forced to take the long way around).

It does seem a little bit too easy at times even on the standard difficulty. With four characters with their own health bars who are all resurrected upon a party wipe at the cost of a single life, and more lives earned by points and occasionally pick-ups, you aren't really ever going to see a Game Over screen if you're used to playing traditional Castlevania. The bosses also seem a touch too easy as well.

The 8-Bit visuals are great; everything looks suitably creepy with monsters inspired by demonic legends (rather than the gothic horror types you would see in a Castlevania title). The characters and backgrounds look distinctive. However... eech. Castlevania games are known for their grooving soundtrack and solid sound effects... and I really felt this game, which was supposed to be the 8-bit Castlevania spiritual successor, failed to deliver on that. There are no stand-out music tracks at all, and the sound effects have a decidedly 'mushy' quality, so the audio as a whole is a bit of a let-down.

In short, I'd recommend this game to both fans of the Castlevania 8-Bit games and someone who kinda liked the idea of the 8-Bit Castlevania games but are looking for a more forgiving experience than them.

+ Spot-on 8-Bit visuals
+ Varied gameplay thanks to multiple characters
+ Decent replay value
+/- Controls are true to the Castlevania series, quirks and all
- A tad too easy
- Utterly forgettable music/sound, not characteristic of the Castlevania series

7/10 - A recommendable game with quirks
Yayınlanma 24 Mayıs 2018. Son düzenlenme 24 Mayıs 2018.
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30 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
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kayıtlarda 118.9 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 14.1 saat)
When you buy this game as it is right now, you're mostly investing in the future. A graphical overhaul wasn't finished at time of its release, but it's definitely in the works. But the most important aspect is that the online multiplayer, which had been broken on NWN for over 5 years, is now back with full functionality. From here, limitless potential exists; the multiplayer is what kept this game alive for 15 years after its release and will likely be what keeps it going for years to come.

Of course, if you haven't played this game at all before, you owe it to yourself to pick it up. Over 120 hours of quality single-player gameplay right out the box, and a thriving roleplay-centric multiplayer community with persistent worlds that put any MMO to shame. Yes, at the moment, there's not much different here from the $10 Diamond edition version you can get on GoG, but the $10 version has no future; it's akin to investing in VHS tapes in 2018. For the Enhanced edition, the future definitely looks bright.
Yayınlanma 28 Mart 2018.
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7 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
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kayıtlarda 5.3 saat
This game is a decidedly mixed bag. On one hand, the story is very well told. You can tell a lot of time and effort was put into it. On the other hand, even for a RPGMaker game, it is technically unimpressive; Sprites, music and sounds are stock RPGMaker assets, which cheapens the production values considerably. The hand-drawn art is gorgeous, but all-too-often, it doesn't match the character's sprite it's supposed to represent. A pretty guy with white hair as a portrait becomes a mustachioed guy with a huge chin as a sprite, for example. Also, the art for the main characters doesn't change to express emotion, leaving for inappropriate smiling during sad moments. It's a pity the effort that went into story and art apparently didn't reach the rest of the game.

Also, unless this is like your first RPG ever, do NOT play it on normal difficulty. The game was so easy that the gameplay became rather tedious to get through in order to get to the story. I'm not sure how well the harder difficulties scale it up, but the normal setting at least shows a decided lack of balance, unless "Normal" was a setting that was intended for casual players, in which case it should be named "Casual" or "Easy".

All and all, though... for the couple of bucks it goes for, it might be work a look, if only for its story and art.
Yayınlanma 10 Temmuz 2016. Son düzenlenme 10 Temmuz 2016.
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125 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
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kayıtlarda 1.9 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 1.0 saat)
Randomness, randomness and more randomness. I felt while playing this game that I wasn't so much actually PLAYING the game as just sharing the Orion Trail experience, because from beginning to end, the game is basically pure luck. You choose from random sets of crewmen presented to you, to give you certain stats, and that's about all you do to influence how the session goes. I mean, you can pick your path in which systems to move towards, and whether or not to stop at certain things, I suppose, but it's not much of a choice, because in any given thing, you have no real control over your consequences.

There are no upgrades to purchase to make you more likely to succeed. Your crew's stats can go up or down at a whim, as random events between nodes tick these abilities up or down with no input from you. The time honored tradition of visiting tombstones from previous playthroughs on games like Oregon Trail is doable here, but even doing THIS can cause an utterly random stat raise or decrease. Even what skills you use during a particular incident is entirely random most of the time; You can push up and specialize in a particular stat only to be presented with an event that doesn't allow you to use that stat. Even the -rewards or penalties- can be randomized in many events.

Perhaps in some games, all of this randomness wouldn't be a problem. Orion Trail tries to allieviate things a bit with its quirky and outlandish dialogue, and it works for a time. However, said dialogue runs out too quickly, frequently recycled every playthrough. Given you need to play through the game multiple times to unlock the content... this is a rather serious thing. Also not present is any sense of fairness. On any given random event, no matter how good you are in the stat, you have the chance to critically fail, and the critical failure events are so harsh that just one of them can completely break your run, often completely exhausting a vital resource. Critical successes, on the other hand, while certainly nice, do not give you things on quite the same scale. Furthermore, it's almost impossible to recover from a critical failure because your rewards are often given randomly as well, and you can't just complete events that'll raise the thing the Critical Failure took from you, because the opportunities are just not given.

All and all, I'd go as far to say that the game is 100% Pure Luck in whether you succeed or not, and there's not enough dialogue in the game to make playing such a ludicrously random game worth your while. Stick to FTL for your starship piloting dreams.
Yayınlanma 12 Ekim 2015.
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Bir geliştirici 6 Kas 2015 @ 15:26 tarihinde cevap verdi (cevabı görüntüle)
1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 1.2 saat
Not what I was expecting.

Billed as a fusion between RTS gameplay and 4X Gameplay, I was stoked. But while the gameplay was fine, I was a bit put off that the only choice I had right out the box for Singleplayer was to basically just choose what type of map I wanted to play on, and how big it was. I played Trinity first, then this one, but neither gave me much to do when it came to this place's universe. Civilization can get away with no ongoing story campaign because that story, at least, is already written, and it's fun to see how much any Civilization game with its familiar faces diverges from our own history. When it comes to a Sci-Fi universe, when there's a blank slate to work with, I'd expect more attempts on the game's part to engage me when it comes to caring about the fate of whoever it is I am playing, but Sins of a Solar Empire disappointingly seems to prefer more of a Sandbox approach.

Maybe I completely missed the point here... but I just plain can't recommend this game to anyone looking for a good solo experience. Maybe give it a try if you know you've got a group of interested friends, or if you REALLY love playing against random strangers. But for anyone else, you're probably better off passing on this.
Yayınlanma 1 Ekim 2015. Son düzenlenme 1 Ekim 2015.
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