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Recent reviews by ZENGSALVA

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61.1 hrs on record (10.5 hrs at review time)
A classic of all times, where to OG's where born and where the COD reputation begins, a must have to your library even if it's only for having for if you want to play it in the future
Posted 28 August, 2022.
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0.0 hrs on record
More postal, you can't go wrong
Posted 25 June, 2022.
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18.8 hrs on record
Cuchame, el juego está guapo, el precio es justo y si te encanta y te funciona supongo que lo que vale el directors cut the cunde, pero en mi caso (y el de mucha gente por lo visto) no puedo recomendarlo debido a algunos bugs importanes. entre otros el de port knot city, si en lugar de ir a por el arma te vas a la izq. dónde el campamento de mulas se me crashea el juego sin forma de arreglarlo más que desde opciones quitar estructuras de jugadores y empezar desde cero, eso o hacer una cruzada para encontrar alguna forma de arreglar el bug, tu eliges si arriesgarte, yo como no consiga arreglarlo me voy a ***** en los devs personalmente
Posted 22 March, 2022.
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14.6 hrs on record
El juego está de puta madre y da muchas horas de juego, eso si núnca jueges contra un koreano, te revientan

Por dos lereles, compralo
Posted 10 April, 2021.
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74.4 hrs on record (19.1 hrs at review time)
One of the best free games i've ever played, looks like a poor or bad game but it's a lot of fun
Posted 7 February, 2021.
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102.7 hrs on record (62.0 hrs at review time)
The father of FPS, a must have and play, better than doom or Shadow Warrior.

Play with my rules (same as civvie)
Well done difficulty
Post Mortem, crptic passage and then death wish
Auto aim off
If you're newbie check the first civvie 11 vid
Posted 1 January, 2021.
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25.4 hrs on record (22.9 hrs at review time)
Recomendable, bueno y lo tira en cualquier pc, los gráficos son el único fallo
Posted 18 April, 2020.
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20.2 hrs on record (15.8 hrs at review time)
If you get it for free or super cheap or free like me and can find a playerbase (hardly sometimes) it's a fun game to play, but be aware of the bad optimization
Posted 16 April, 2020.
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42.2 hrs on record
Good game, worth what it costs and even better in sale, be careful in which edition you got it, some don't come with all the operators and you have grind for having it.

Muy recomendable
Posted 3 July, 2019.
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205.9 hrs on record (188.2 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
Sigue manteniendo esa esencia competitiva y clásica que todos añoramos aún y la cantidad de skins, es tan obligatorio tenerlo cómo Rocket League o Garry's Mod
Posted 23 November, 2017.
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