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Celechiko 25 juil. 2018 à 23h10 
Lemme know if everything is okay
I see you pop on every once in a while
I've got steam back on my phone so i'm here regardless of if it says i'm offline or not
I check at least once a week for notifications 🤗
Celechiko 7 mai 2018 à 9h10 
Ayyy sweet
That's good news to hear c:

And please do!!
I'd love to talk more

Here's the link to my profile
Celechiko 25 déc. 2017 à 20h15 
It certainly has been years. I think maybe since right before the .hack forums shut down?
I dunno to be honest.
But it's great that we're back in contact 😊
I really missed having you as a friend tbh.
I got a Facebook account though if you've got one, too, and want to add me c:
Celechiko 6 aout 2017 à 20h51 
Nice :3
I've had my job for almost three years now
I think i'm a little bit ahead of you for once cuz I got that bf tho and he's gonna be moving from his mom's place to mine (his mom is a nasty person and he needs to get away from her :( )
Him and I have been going out for a couple of years now so a lot has changed for me since I last talked to you years ago.

How many years has it been anyway?
Celechiko 6 aout 2017 à 19h38 
I'm alive lol
I got off of work a few hours ago, and I seriously regret even heading in today ;-;
work is terrible at times honestly

How's it been with you?
Celechiko 26 juil. 2017 à 17h06 
It's Firefly
I've been trying to find you for ages 😭