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10 av 43 (23%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

Lords of Cinder: Abyss Watchers

Defeat the Abyss Watchers, Lords of Cinder.
Upplåst 24 feb @ 5:52

Covenant: Warrior of Sunlight

Discover Warrior of Sunlight covenant.
Upplåst 18 feb @ 21:03

Covenant: Way of Blue

Discover Way of Blue covenant.
Upplåst 18 feb @ 20:16

Covenant: Blue Sentinels

Discover Blue Sentinels covenant.
Upplåst 21 feb @ 4:26

Iudex Gundyr

Defeat Iudex Gundyr.
Upplåst 11 feb @ 4:11

Vordt of the Boreal Valley

Defeat Vordt of the Boreal Valley.
Upplåst 18 feb @ 20:57

Curse-rotted Greatwood

Defeat the Curse-rotted Greatwood.
Upplåst 18 feb @ 23:24

Crystal Sage

Defeat Crystal Sage.
Upplåst 25 feb @ 19:33


Light a bonfire flame for the first time.
Upplåst 18 jan, 2023 @ 21:28

Embrace the Flame

Become a Host of Embers for the first time.
Upplåst 11 feb @ 4:11

The Dark Soul

Complete all achievements.

Supreme Weapon Reinforcement

Reinforce any weapon to the highest level.

Master of Infusion

Perform all forms of infusion.

Master of Sorceries

Acquire all sorceries.

Master of Pyromancies

Acquire all pyromancies.

Master of Miracles

Acquire all miracles.

Master of Rings

Acquire all rings.

Master of Expression

Learn all gestures.

Ultimate Bonfire

Reinforce a bonfire to the highest level.

Ultimate Estus

Reinforce the Estus Flask to the highest level.

23 dolda prestationer återstår

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