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Évaluations récentes de YukiToYuri7

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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
1,056.2 h en tout (52.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
I think it's a good substitute for another game I used to love playing. I've finished the story so far (took me about 40 hours playing casually and grinding for good Tems) and am looking forward to new quests and areas to be added!
Évaluation publiée le 27 janvier 2020.
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7 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
0.3 h en tout
It's good if you're into fish tanks but it lacks variety in what species can be spawned. You have 3 fish types, clams, crayfish, and an otter. You can also change the oxygen level of the water. The question isn't wether or not it's a good game, it's more of wether or not there's enough substance to it. There isn't really much to do but spawn fish and watch the seasons change. Although the music in it is quite peaceful, it held my attention more than the fish did.

This isn't a bad game, but I wouldn't really recommend it.
Évaluation publiée le 24 janvier 2015.
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