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15.8 ч. всего
The game is quite short compared to the original but it is still Ghost Recon. So you are pretty much getting a solid tactical shooter with good level design.
But the maps are really small and due to AI being simple they shoot you trough bushes a lot. That is quite frustrating and you will experience it quite a few times throughout your playtrough.

The story is more of the same cringe "Freedumb and Democrazy" (American wet dream about Cuba) propaganda that Tom Clancy is known for. Already talked about that in Ghost Recon Review.

It is good, but just get the base game since I don't really think this one is worth it unless you are a huge fan of the originals gameplay.
Опубликовано 21 сентября 2024 г..
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16.1 ч. всего
The game is quite short compared to the original but it is still Ghost Recon. So you are pretty much getting a solid tactical shooter with good level design. But for the life of me I cannot understand how they managed to create a final level (Level 8) that makes no sense in such a game.
You get a timer and have to sprint to finish the game where basically one bullet killes your soldier.
Somebody tried making an Action movie segment in this game... Just makes no sense.
The story is more of the same cringe "Freedumb and Democrazy" propaganda that Tom Clancy is known for. Already talked about that in Ghost Recon Review.

It is good, but just get the base game since I don't really think this one is worth it unless you are a huge fan of the originals gameplay.
Опубликовано 21 сентября 2024 г..
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2.2 ч. всего
Good game by Emika. You can easily notice his style and story structure. It is noticeable in every single one of his games - you find out almost all of the insanity at the end of the game or in the later part, but first you have to scratch your head a bit until it makes sense,
It is very noticeable that this is his first game since it is a lot more confusing than later games that I've played thus far. It has great atmosphere and quite a few scares but the story left me feeling kind of confused and had to look at the authors explanation just to piece together all the parts correctly.
Still, was enjoyable due to it being short and not overstaying its welcome.
Опубликовано 15 сентября 2024 г..
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0.4 ч. всего
Solid start and there is a lot to do here. But needs some quality of life improvements like an option for more tips or help when you don't know what to do. And a menu or explanation about race restarts and quits.
Опубликовано 1 сентября 2024 г..
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1.5 ч. всего
Another good horror game by Emika_Games. This short horror is a little more ambiguous and a little confusing at times but still a good game.
Опубликовано 2 августа 2024 г..
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5.3 ч. всего
This game is good and relatively short. I dont know why people are complaining about the difficulty and grind because it is fairly easy to complete.
Some of the achievements are glitched or need a replay of the game to complete so if you worry about that check out a guide before playing.
The music is solid with 18 tracks. There are a few cars but their stats are all the same once upgraded (not counting the bonus car at the end of the game). So you can pretty much finish the game with just an upgraded starter car.
The AI doesn't really aim for you per se but it is extremely random. The cops mechanic is annoying and relatively simple to avoid unless a specific turn and narrow road with traffic is there to ruin your race, so just restart - there is no penalty for that. The boss race is really easy to complete once you figure out how the AI works.

The greatest downside is the AI that wants to pass you and i don't mean racing drivers as they will not try to hit you. It is the traffic cars that are insanely stupid and ram you from behind no matter if they could avoid you. Also it is counterintuitive to an arcade game when it comes to sharp turns. You will have to break fast unlike the AI or you WILL smash into a sign or something. So the AI has a good chance to pass you after or during those turns. Still the game is good.
Опубликовано 13 июля 2024 г.. Отредактировано 13 июля 2024 г..
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1.4 ч. всего
A pretty good horror game. I can't believe it has been this long since It released and I played it together with my friend at his place. A really interesting story and full of good scares. And to top it off it is less than 2 hours long. So it is kind of like watching an interactive horror film.
Опубликовано 8 июля 2024 г..
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58.7 ч. всего
As a great man said: "Работайте, братья!"
This is a hidden gem among strategy games. I knew I was going to like the game but didn't know that it would turn out to be in my favorites list. The team behind this game also made "Warfare" which is similar to this game and also available on Steam dirt cheap (you only need to patch it for it to work properly). This game is a natural evolution of "Warfare" - that is why it is called "Syrian Warfare". Where the 1st was a fictional game based in Saudi Arabia and you play as the americans, this game is based on true events (it is insane how accurate it represents things, the game doesn't pull its punches and I love it for that) in Syria during the current conflict and you play as Syrians with the assistance of Russians. Also ARTYOM GRISHANOV has his music in the game. I will explain details below.

So firstly - The gameplay. The game is a mix of RTS and RTT (Men of War, Company of Heroes, etc.) and is very difficult even on normal. Playing it on Ironman without saving mid mission has a description that reads "Experience a whole plethora of emotions". The game focuses on unit veterancy so make sure units survive for the next mission. You have a fixed number of units you can bring to a mission, some can be earned mid game (AI controlled units join your command), you can purchase units with points earned by completing objectives, killing more enemies while trying to not lose any of your units (they stack with previous missions). These units are in reserve and can be called up as reinforcements WHEN the game gives you a window. So you can't just call reinforcements whenever you want. That complements the narrative and feels a lot more realistic. Each unit type has its own gear and ammo so be careful with what you pick. Armored units are amazing when used well and near useless if not. This game has a great feature which is probably the highlight of the game - STORMTROOPERS. This game excells in urban combat and going from building to building is such a unique experience compared to other RTS games. Fuel, ammo and parts are essential, so take care of your supply trucks. Also there is no real health bar, it just displays how "full" the squad is.

Mission structure is really good and provides a lot of variety compared to the overwhelming majority of RTS games. This game has no multiplayer so the team making this was focused on bringing the best singleplayer experience they could and thus the campaign isn't a glorified tutorial but a real challenge with nice variety. 6 missions for the base game, but the story doesn't end there. The 1st expansion gives you 5 missions and expands upon the 1st story with a little tangent. And the 2nd expansion gives you 3 missions (2 are in 1 scenario) that are extremely difficult. Seems like the base game is the "easiest" of the bunch and the further you go the more difficult it is.

The sound is very good, especially the voice lines of units. Authentic in their languages and have some funny dialogue. The voice acting for the main cast is serviceable but all over the place. You have americans, brits and some fake arabs talking english. So unless you see who is talking (there is a name and/or picture next to the one speaking luckily) you will probably mix them up. That is probably the worst part of the game - which shows how good the rest of it is.

The music is PERFECT. I have to comment on the tracks made by Artyom Grishanov. I think his videos on Youtube inspired this group of developers to make this game or at the minimum inspired a couple of missions. His tracks are heard when the largest battles take place with big finales. Be sure to check the videos on youtube - they are the same name as the songs ofc. Hopefully they will put his songs about Ukr war when the next game comes out. That would be amazing. Some of his songs still bring me to tears.

And finally the graphics - they are really good for their time and considering the size of the team that made this it is as good as it can be. Seeing AT missiles fly at their targets and destroying them is always satisfying. Units have their designations like in real life and it will take a while to remember most of them. The aircraft are also highly detailed even though you can't inspect them since they fly trough the map. All vehicles are really nicely detailed, especially the T55 Improved with sandbags.

Now I want to talk about story and history. This game doesn't pull its punches, as I've already stated and I love it for that.
This is a game that doesn't try to be "subtle" like Call of Duty. CoD is blatant propaganda aiming to push a narrative into young people (always has been btw) and people never seem to mind it which shows the lack of knowledge and critical thought in people (mostly people just being dumb/oblivious as is normal). But CoD always lacked the guts to show reality (except maybe WaW a little bit even though it is not a history lesson it is still solid but it still portrays horrors of war on Easter front where there is no Allied soldier to be found, so subtily it creates an image that attrocities are associated with those parties involved and not the Allies) and utilizes "fictional" wars but they play on stereotypes and spread the whole western view like it is normal. Then when a game like Syrian Warfare releases everyone with a western point of view starts pointing out that it is propaganda solely on the basis that it is made by Russian developers and is portraying the world in a different view.
The main reason why this is good and quite accurate when it comes to the overall story is because it portrays the REAL SYRIAN fighters that fought and still fight for their country. As a country demonized by the west it is difficult to explain to those people anything because it boils down to US and west wanted Syria gone, Tyrkey was in on it and Israel along with Jordan. The US financed all the propaganda about chemical warfare, used divide and conquer tactics, trained and armed ISIS and Daesh and proceded to capture the resource fields of Syria (hence the US bases and Turkish bases near the wheat fields and oil fields), just check the map how Syria is divided and who controls it.
Nevertheless Syrians fought and Russians (if you played the expansions) assisted Syria but followed internationals rules of engagement. Years after Assad is thankfully back in the Arabian league and Syria is now just barely starting to stand on its feet. Russians with Spetsnaz, the Airforce and Navy destroyed logistics of the extremists thankfully and managed to save a lot of Syrians. But in the end Syrians did most of the heavy lifting. Russians help meant a lot and is the sole reason the tide is shifting on the Global scheme thankfully.

There is a lot of true stories here. Saving the pilot after the Turkish government did what they always do (backstab) and a Spetsnaz operative calling airstrike on himself because he was surrounded are quite good missions to experience. In the end the game gives a somber yet optimistic view of the future. I also love the way they show how the White Helmets and the Journalists are utilized by propaganda. I personally know Canadian journalists that have information about even worse monstrosities done by extremists that served interests of the west by utilizing journalists and white helmets and any charity organization.

Умираю, но не сдаюсь!
Опубликовано 28 апреля 2024 г..
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16.9 ч. всего
This game is such a letdown compared to the 1st one. In every single way it is inferior.

- Baggage system (Debuffs) is such RNG that it can completely destroy any chance of having a succesfull 100% run, especially on the Hardest difficulty. Be prepaired to Alt+F4 just to reload a save since every next attempt becomes more difficult regardless if you succeed or not.
- Getting 100% is even more difficult because of the RNG where the dates will be and what outfit will they wear.
- Getting info about a character can give you the worst Baggage (they randomly happen and there is 3 of them) that may probably require you to reload a save and it is always RNG what questions you will have unlike in the first game where you get questions and always have one you haven't asked yet. If you ask the same one the character gets annoyed ofc. Not in this game. It feels a lot less "realistic" in a sense and reminds you how RNG this game is.
- 2 Dates net you a picture... thats it. Before you had normal photos + teasing and then you get the desired outcome in the end. But here is just 1.2.done, here is a pic. It feels like a pachinko machine.
- Nowhere says which day is it and yet you have achievement related to completing the objective before a certain day. Also, gone is the Week system.
- UI is sh*t.

The music and character designs are good and the voice acting is solid but even the characters are worse here.
This is the greatest fault of the game. There is no buid up or character development (however little there was in the first game) and the characters are on the extreme end of the spectrum. Where the first was entertaining and had humor, it felt novel. Characters were stereotypes but with a bit of flavor. This time characters are so extreme (even the returning ones) that they become a parody of themselves. The humor and parody goes to such an extreme that it is no longer funny. Some jokes fall flat because they couldn't top off some of the previous things they said but they just HAD to try it. The game lost it so hard since it went so far away from what made the core game good.

The 1st game was fun due to its simplicity (simple characters, premise, UI and gameplay), bonus characters and lighthearted yet sometimes perverted jokes. This one tries to oneup the 1st game and itself at the same time all the time you are playing and it falls flat. Everything needs to be perverted, nothing is ever normal, it is like watching a comedy show with non stop di*k and fart jokes for 2 hours. New characters are a great example of how extreme this game went. One character is called Abia... Guess what is the first thing she says when spelling here name.... just add an L before.... woow much joke. Also the gameplay is RNG to the max and the "double date system" is not an addition to the "single date" gameplay... there is no "single date" gameplay. So a hard pass, which is a shame. The popularity of the 1st game went to their heads.
Опубликовано 25 апреля 2024 г..
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203.1 ч. всего
This is the best Submarine game to date im my honest opinion. It improves upon the original SH4 and gives you back the German submarines with the new Pacific setting. I played a lot more back in the day and many years later I still love this game.

There are many mods at subsim to try out so please check what they have to offer.
My review of the base game can be copied and pasted here so here we go:

Playing this as a kid and modding the hell out of it was some of the fondest memories I have of this game. Subsim is legendary and I believe there was at least one more site where I got mods from. Mods even had their dedicated launcher of sorts. Driving the Bismarck, Yamato, Typhoon submarine and nuking pretty much any island... damn that was fun to play.
The whole "time simulation" aspect of the game amazed me. I tried to see if I can play until 1946. Yes, you can. Even talked to my mom about it, since I was hyped for some odd reason. Perks of being a kid I guess.

Still, after many years I replayed this game again. And it is still as good as I remember. The Expansion is what I enjoyed more since the US campaign is not as interesting as the German. But this game had some beautiful wallpapers. My mom even wanted to print some of those to make like a collage of black and white photos (submarine in NY is generally an awesome wallpaper) to put on my wall in my room.
I consider this game an overall improvement on SH3, which I didn't play as much, but I did play SH2 a lot before that. The soundtrack is great, especially the main theme and credits. I listened to it from time to time since I first played it.
This game isn't about the story as it is about the experience. And that is where this game shines.

Trully a classic in the Subsim genre.
Опубликовано 20 апреля 2024 г..
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