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Game Tier List - Based on personal enjoyment
Ranking these game based on personal enjoyment. Don't be hurt if I didn't enjoy playing "good" games.

S - Silent Hill (1, 2, & 3), Garry's Mod, Undertale, Elden Ring, Visage, Red Dead Redemption 2.

A - Cuphead, Resident Evil 1, 2, 4 & 7, Mass Effect Trilogy, Bioshock Infinite, Dragon Age Origins,
Dishonored (1 & 2), Beat Sabre, Left 4 Dead 2, Alien Isolation, Hotline Miami, VIVA PINATA + TIP,
Mirror's Edge, Dark Souls 3, HITMAN 2, CS:GO, Mario Party games, Psychonauts, BG3, Among Us,
First Class Trouble, Lethal Company, Mario Galaxy games.

B - Katamari Damacia, Borderlands (2 & 3), Resident Evil 3, Binding of Isaac, GTA 5, The Quarry,
Payday 2, Stardew Valley, Skyrim, Hearthstone, COD, Bayonetta, Phasmophobia, DOOM,
Among Us, Layers of Fear VR, HOTS, Telltale games (The Walking Dead, Borderlands, DBD,
Game of thrones), Portal (1 & 2), Tormented Souls, Propnight, Inscription, Half-Life, DOOM Eternal,
Far Cry (3 & 5), The Stanley Parable, Hotline Miami 2, Dark Souls 1, Vampire Survivor, Dead Space,
Rule of Rose, Silent Hill 4.

C - Hades, Slay the Spire, Borderlands (1 and Pre-sequel), Jackbox Games, Fatal Frame, Hollow Knight
Cyberpunk 2077, Tower Unite, MTG Arena, The Sims 3, Fallout (3, New Vegas, & 4), Resident evil 0,
Duck Game, Super Smash Bros, Minecraft, Slender:The Arrival, Outlast 2, New Super Mario games.
The Bonerooms, Super Mario 64 and 3D world/land.

D - XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Starbound, FTL, Terraria, Golf With Your Friends, City: Skylines, LOL,
Rainbow Six Siege, Valorant, Noita, Overcooked 2, Dragon Age 2, Song of Horror, Carnival Games
Wii, Overwatch.

E - Kerbal Space Program, Goat Simulator, Little Nightmares, A story About My Uncle,
Project Zomboid, The Witcher 2, The Evil Within, WoW.

F - Total War: Three Kingdoms, Stellaris, Mount and Blade Warband, The Witness,
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, New World.
Item Showcase
Review Showcase
709 Hours played
I like the FPS genre; however, CS:GO feels like mundane task simulator 2012. You either push in with your team and shoot up some random swat team while rapidly mashing your lmb so you can accurately aim with your standard auto firing rifle or wait for 3 mins at A site only to find out that the bomb is all the way at the other side of the map at B site. This wouldn't be so much of a problem if the gunplay was fun, but what usually happens is you walk out of the spot you've been camping at on A only to be instantly shot in the head by an AK (an auto firing rifle that 1 shots you in the head). This wouldn't be so much of a problem if everyone could just do this, but the recoil with all auto firing guns is ridiculous. In fact, one of the best guns to aim after holding down the trigger for 5 seconds is the negev. The recoil is so bad with this gun that to accurately aim you need to hold down the trigger and aim for their feet to hit them in the head. Yes, if you shoot at their feet, you'll hit their head. I know people will complain that "you're just not good and need to spend at least 250 hours on each gun to accurately assess its accuracy", but i've just not got that time. Plus, if you're like me and just want to play comp to feel real team coordination, 9 times out of 10 you're in a lobby with Russian people who don't speak english, a lobby where one person, either on your team or the enemy team, has 52 kills and 2 deaths, or a lobby where everyone just swears at each other for misplaying. Thankfully, I have a group of friends that I play with; however, they've been playing for so long and have memorized every callout, spray pattern, and Russian swear word. But even then with them it feels like such a monotonous task moving from point A to point B on - thankfully - a fairly large selection of maps, but they're all the same mission. You do it once and feel great about the win only to have to do it over another 14 times. Now a feel an ever present sense of dread when my friends say "OOh, lEt'S gO aNd PlAy ThAt WoNdErFuL cOuNtEr StRiKe GlObAl OfFeNcE gAmE. I bEt I cAn OnE sHoT mOrE pEoPlE tHaN yOu WiTh ThE wOnDeRfUlLy BaLlEnCeD aWp AnD aK gUnS." No thank you. Before I forget, unlike most FPSes, CS:GO bullets move when you move. What I mean by this is when you move left and shoot, your bullets also are left of the cross hairs. FAR LEFT. This makes strafing and shooting almost impossible. In most other FPSes, where your cross hair is, is indicative of where the bullets will be. Their choice to add this feature in is a massive pain because when in a gun fight, if I'm not 1 meter away from them, chances are I will not hit them. Actually, even if I am 1 meter away from them, chances are I will still not hit them.

Let's list out some pros and cons

  1. You can learn to speak Russian
  2. You can learn how to do the simple task of going to point A and waiting until a teammate asks you to come join them at B until the enemy team plants the bomb back at A
  3. You can also learn how to cope with anger and frustration by using the simple key command alt+F4
  4. You can rant to your friends about how you're playing a horrible game and tell them that you would buy them all another game if it meant you would never play this game, but they reject your offer because they don't have time - whatever that means - and don't want to waste your money because they don't know if they'll like it.
  5. Wonderful other gamemodes that bring so much to this game.

  1. None. It's a perfect game
Anyways, buy this game if you're a miserable human being who can't afford another game on steam cause it's officially free. I'm just here waiting for more games to turn free to play.
i miss her. 30 Jun, 2019 @ 7:08pm 
Put this on the profile of people who are known/wanted terrorists
that were involved in the September 11th attacks in 2001
Lord Chadcock the 3rd 29 Aug, 2017 @ 8:36am 
+rep great gmod sniper and an even better paladins torvald player #ripdaddytorv