Не в сети
jahač bikova 22 дек. 2020 г. в 9:47 
Kid has 2000hours played, no aim or brain. It's sad to see lowskilled noobs like him waste so much time and not get better. Like you must be a monkey to not realize that FPS Games aren't good for you with your trash tier hand eye coordination. Go invest time into LoL, no aiming required.
pickin dim 15 дек. 2017 г. в 5:31 
D2Q.SaladDays|Nogi.Nyan Đẹp Trai 6 ноя. 2013 г. в 10:30 
+ rep
Comedist 19 июл. 2013 г. в 0:46 
FlyingColors- 4 июн. 2013 г. в 4:34 
+ rep fast trader
Namo 28 мая. 2013 г. в 13:02 
+rep omniman XD