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90.0 hrs on record (90.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
lost a year's worth of progress to a crash. Regardless of whether this is fixable (I can assure you it's not EASY IF it is) this is such a hassle that my friends and I are considering giving up on it. Buy/Play at your own risk, use local saves and make your own backups. again, all hassles you shouldn't be burdened with when you PAY for a product.
Posted 18 February.
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74.5 hrs on record (28.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
GGG asks players to experiment, nerfs builds into the ground and doesn't offer free respecs.
Yes. FREE is the appropriate price for them. YOU mess them up, don't expect us to pay even 1 gold on it. I am not a victim of this but it is ridiculous behaviour and early access is not an excuse BUT AN EVEN BIGGER reason to make it available.

Somehow, when you thought to make the game slower and remove movement skills/flasks it did not occur to you that making maps BIGGER THAN THE ORIGINAL GAME'S is a abhorrent idea, similarly, enemies that bodyblock you and force you into corners should not have made it past day 1 of brainstorming. Terrible.

Act 1 monsters are really well thought out, with different mobs feeling... big surprise here... DIFFERENT. AWESOME job on those! You somehow managed to show me that some mobs are better fought from up-close, some need to be focused, some are irrelevant and can be cleaned at the end as long as you avoid most projectiles they throw at you. I have no idea which mobs those are but they are amazingly thought out, which makes the next point very hard to express without cussing you out:


HOW did you pretend to make something different with the vaal high-tech society and then have enemies STILL RUSH YOU WITH SWORDS? YOU HAVE LASERS EVERYWHERE

Lastly, the enemy variety gets stale VERY quickly. You fight humans throughout, with a few animals thrown in but the enemies are so boring and repetitive I have no idea what happened, just humans with one reason or another to fight you: zombies, savages, cultists... very uninspired.

What boggles my mind is that a lot of these changes were made with disregard for the actual enjoyability of the game, which is the WHOLE POINT. Again, insane to me that you showed me the best ARPG that I ever touched in the first act, successfully copying Diablo 2 and the first game of the series to bring and extraordinary experience, to just throw it out the window right after.

This does not feel unfinished or unpolished except for one or two bugs but I feel disappointed with the deliberate choices made here. I have very high expectations and love your work in general, I'm not expecting to be catered to personally as that would be insane but I want this game to work BECAUSE it can be one of the best games ever made.
Posted 13 December, 2024.
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5 people found this review helpful
0.7 hrs on record
Terrible game, would be a decent free to play experience if not for:
-abhorrent pathfinding
-TERRIBLE UI, have to RESEARCH crafting recipes????? then have to craft, the skinning knife and throwing knife don't function interchangeably
-journal takes too long to use, leaving yourself open for random animal attacks
-HOW CAN YOU CALL A CRAFTING TABLE SOMETHING IN THE MISSION AND SOMETHING ELSE IN THE JOURNAL? I'm talking something very "quirky": "Interf4ce" or something stupid like that. what's the point?
-you get your first storm in the first 10 minutes of the game that gives you a warning to find shelter. you can't find shelter. you don't have time to build it unless you know what you're doing from the get-go.
-you recommend a starting zone but you have to click through all of the options to find that out. TERRIBLE design.

Overall very bad first experience, played a bit on Easy and a bit on the Normal difficulty, on the recommended zone but it's more annoying than pleasant or entertaining.
Posted 9 November, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
460.5 hrs on record (391.7 hrs at review time)
VERY nice game, wouldn't spend money on it as it is always changing and you are sure to not like some of the changes made, has a handful of bugs but nothing gamebreaking as far as I can remember.
Posted 6 October, 2024.
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0.8 hrs on record
I'd love to see a long, polished version of this. There is quite some work to be done but it looks like a good start!
Posted 4 April, 2024.
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6.5 hrs on record
I'm speechless, the fact that this is free is insane.
Posted 4 April, 2024.
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45 people found this review helpful
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0.1 hrs on record
A game where you drive people- no, wait! YOU don't drive... so... a visual novel where you talk to- wait, YOU don't get to talk to anyone, not even in the "dialog options" way, because some options are not available depending on the protagonist (another poorly-written, unlikable bottom-of-the-barrel character) and their mood. How is this considered a game? It's time to find a different hobby or hire someone competent.
Posted 2 April, 2024. Last edited 2 April, 2024.
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3 people found this review helpful
55.1 hrs on record
Issuing bans for inactivity is unbelievably scummy, I didn't think I could be more disgusted with amazon before finding this.
Posted 16 January, 2023.
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0.4 hrs on record
A walking simulator that, unlike Gone Home or Firewatch has a majorly unlikable protagonist and a HORRIBLY slow pace, not only do you spend the first 2-3 minutes being brought into the story through a weird cliche story, have a boring walk to a grave at a funeral, again, even worse pacing of an irrelevant moment: I don't and shouldn't care about that character and slow movement in this half-cutscene annoying part of the "game" which leads to a very original "you're stuck in a house because of a storm" "story". Maybe I'm crazy but I couldn't get myself to crawl across an entire hotel which you have to access in a VERY SPECIFIC ORDER, not being able to go into even what I expected would be useless rooms. The point that stopped me from playing was when I wanted to take a route upstairs and had to go all the way around because of an apparently locked door, only for the game to bring me back through that same door not even 2 minutes later so I could see an event occur in a specific way. No thank you!
Posted 8 October, 2020.
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17.3 hrs on record
No. Just no.
A puzzle game where 60-70% of the puzzles are tedious and non-intuitive, the protagonist is unlikable and the entire world has it out for you from the get-go. The only redeeming quality is SOME of the writing, which, however is countered by the horrendous gameplay consisting in nothing but receiving a different carrot on a stick every once in a while.
The following is the main reason this game is not worth playing even if you get it for free. If I had to pay a single cent for this I'd have asked for a refund for the way the developer treats the player through this experience.
TL:DR don't buy either this or the trash continuation (deponia doomsday) as that is even more of an insult to all the players/fans.


The three chapters' ending has to be the worst thing you can imagine, the protagonist, whose main trait should be that he is genetically incapable of learning his lesson (What kind of lousy idea/writing is that anyways?), finally learns his lesson, loses all that he dreamed of and the girl he presumably loves (which is very poorly represented as the game sees it more fit to underline how much of a trash person he is) in a very poorly or not at all thought out supposedly tear-jerking moment.

The creator managed to somehow make this going through hoops an aggravating experience through teaching you that their characters are supposed to be fun or entertaining and then trying to make you care for them in this silly, uneventful,cliche,pathetic attempt at an ending.

I wish I could explain Deponia Doomsday as that is complete trash as well but again, I will not spend a single cent on this, look the story up if you must but I warn you, I'm almost sure it will leave you more frustrated and wondering what in the world is wrong with whoever touched this excuse of a game.
Posted 30 January, 2019.
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